
Friday, March 30, 2012

No biggie, just popping in tonight to share the new blog button...

Today was a rough day, we had to have our Sassy Cat put to sleep due to liver cancer.

                                                       Share more thoughts on that later!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Faux Farmhouse Planked {drop leaf} Dining Table

I've been wanting a rustic 'old' plank topped farmhouse table for the longest time.  A new table is not in the budget any time soon and even purchasing materials to attempt to build one is not an option right now. 

So what does any DIYer on a mission do?  Use what ya got to get what you want, that's what!

I'm so excited to share my new Faux Farmhouse Planked {drop leaf} Dining Table with you! 
Say that 5 times fast why don't ya?  Quite the title!

The table was {you guessed it} another trashy find!
The hubster was so pleased with himself the day he brought this home
{oh, only about 2 years ago}
and it's sat in my dining room covered with a drop table cloth ever since.

This is my 'paint' table, where I work on many of my paint projects.  What a sad little table it was with all of it's nicks, scratches and unsightly watermarks.  I have hated this table from day 1!

Until now!  I wanted a rustic chippy plank top table... but I wanted it to be light and airy.
This wood below was my inspiration.

I'll show you how I did it!  Now, do as I say - not as I do!
Now, I can hear you already... I can't paint, I can't do that, yada yada yada!

Lift your arm and swing it slowly from left to right or right to left,
think 'wax on, wax off' Karate Kid {the original} and Danial-San / Mr. Miagi
OK, now I'm really showing my age!

If you can do that, you can attempt this paint treatment!

After a light sanding and good prep coat of Kilz primer spray, the entire table top was given 2 coats of creamy white paint, I used Steamed Milk from Sherwin Williams.

Every other layer of color on this table is paint used as a glaze!
{shades of brown, grey, turquoise, & tan thinned with water, 1:1}

With a straight edge and a black sharpie, I marked off unevenly spaced lines across the table top to mimic the planks of wood.  Next, I drew on faux knots and dots - both large and small.

 Here's the do as I say part - Do NOT use a black sharpie!  It was a real b*#%! to cover up!
Either skip this step
 or just use a thin brush and some full strength brown paint to paint these accents on.
 The whole table top finish was adding layer upon layer of thinned paint and spreading it out as far as possible.  Leaving streak marks as you go to mimic the wood grain.  Above, the tan was dabbed on in random spots over the steamed milk color.  Below, it was feathered out across the table top allowing some of the creamy white to show through.
Continue layering the thinned paint across the table top.
Below, you can see the layers of white, grey, brown, and turquoise building up.

At this point I also added splotches of petroleum jelly and crackle medium randomly around the table. 

 I am not very patient when painting, so I do not wait for the mediums to dry... my perogative.
I recommend you follow the directions on the bottle though,
do as I say... remember!

You can see the cracks beginning to develop here.

after many, many, many, many more coats and layers later,
the black from the marker was still showing through looking oh so fake!
Don't use the marker!
I ended up grabbing my burnt umber and a liner brush to go over the blackness of the sharpie.
It was almost like starting over!

With a very thick {almost full strength} coat of Sherwin Williams Steamed Milk I went over the knot marks, added a few more thin layers of brown, tan, grey and shots of turquoise and was finally happy!

To finish off the table, I grabbed that burnt umber again and went over the 'faux plank outlines' where the planks of the wood would meet, both lengthwise and randomly width wise.  At each faux 'joint'  I used the end of a paintbrush dipped into both brown and silver paint to add 'nails'.  This dip dot method for making the dots is super duper easy!  The legs of the table are painted in the same muted turquoise used in the table top.  I may go back in and add a darker brown glaze to accentuate the  legs further.

 A few coats of clear wax were applied for a protective soft sheen.

I couldn't be happier with my new plank topped farmhouse drop down table!  Getting some work done at this table is a pleasure now... I think I may keep it for a while!

What do you think?  If you're new here at T&B and like what you've seen, be sure to head over and follow via GFC, linky follow, FB and Google+.  You can even find me on Twitter as SminkeyDinks!

I will be linking up with these terrific blogs {here} as well as French Country Cottage

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The "Happy" Dance

Sharing time!

Last Friday night, my girl attended her first Freshman Dance as a high schooler! Sniff Sniff, we will not discuss the whole High School thing right now and how I am feeling old as dirt and get into trouble when I continue to refer to her as my 'wittle peanut'.

No, no dress remake this year... we went store bought.  Believe me I wanted to make a dress but I have to admit i can't do it all.  So thank you God for allowing us to happen upon this dress!
What a face!  Look at that dimple!
 Attempting to strike a pose had us both cracking up with laughter as she almost fell over!
 The fun of the photo shoot began to wear off.
Can you imagine what she's thinking here?  I bet it's not "I love you Mom"

So lady like... NOT.
Oh my gosh... she even wore makeup!  That is a first for this girl.  I do think there is a girly girl in there somewhere!  Seemed to like Mommy's blingy sparkly earrings as much as I do.

Long story short,  She had a blast!  I made sure she and her friend made it safely inside the school cafeteria which was transformed to a night in Vegas... lovely night for them. 
I retreated to the car, where I began to hyperventilate and cry! You'd have thought I just dropped them off on the corner of the worst city in the world for the murders and wrongdoers to have their way with them!  Longest 3 hours of my life.  I was so afraid someone would tease or make fun or stare like we've been experiencing A LOT lately.
The next day she found out that I had cried.  She turned to me and told me I was SillY. No one made fun of them, no one was mean, in fact... she danced!  She danced with her friends from the average classes.  Everyone loved her dress and told her how pretty she was!  Mommy did a Happy Dance of her own!  Just a few more before you go!

Monday, March 26, 2012

DIY Poster Sized Photos for FREE!

I consider myself a painter, a crafter, a connoisseur of DIY.  I'm often referred to as an 'artist' by those around me which, honestly, makes me want to giggle.  Sure, I can draw and yes, I can paint... but an artist?  Picasso, Degas, Monet - now they were artists!  I even hesitate to refer to my paintings as 'Art'. 

When I paint, I like to paint BIG.  A majority of the time I will sketch an image from a small photograph by hand... taking time to get the angles and perspectives 'just right' as I did with the Knock Off of the Pottery Barn Train Mural.  It's hard to see, but you can see the sketch faintly below in pencil.
{from pencil sketch to finished product}

Today, I wanted to let you in on a cool way to enlarge images to poster size for your craft projects!  I found out about this site months ago while browsing over at the Graphics Fairy and have used it a few times for some pretty large projects. 
Block Posters
it's FREE too!
With block posters you take and image of any size, upload it from your computer and choose how many sheets of papers wide you want it blown up to.  I used block posters recently for the painting of the Chevy Chevelle {here}.  My client had given me 2 small photos of her brother's car to work with.  I could have hand sketched it but I found that using block posters I could easily enlarge it to the size I wanted and then transfer it with carbon paper.  I simply printed it here at home using just grey scale ink, trimmed the white edges and taped it together to make my 'pattern'.

I have another project in mind that I will be using Blockposters for... can't wait to share it!

{ps. this is NOT a sponsored post, just wanted to share a cool new tool with some good friends!}

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Seeking Sunday #4 - Why God?

I'm pretty sure that at some point in all of our lives, we have found ourselves thinking, muttering, or even crying out the words, "Why God?".  Let's face it, bad things do happen to children of God.  Human nature instinctively leads us to question just why that is.  After my daughter's birth, I questioned constantly and dare I admit with anger.  Through the years, things have not changed much.  I still find myself silently questioning but the anger has mostly dispersed.  I've carried a good bit of guilt with me thinking that my questioning of His motives somehow had to anger Him and make me 'less than' a good Christian. 

Psalm 42:11Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God!

Psalms is full of believers who were not afraid to question God, feeling abandoned and sad they too asked 'Why?' 

They took their questions too God... they knew only God had the answers.  Each question led them back to God.  No amount of despair, sadness, or even anger took away their hope that God had the answer.

Asking Why does not make me a 'less than' or bad Christian... and it does not make you one either!
Asking Why does open up a line of communication between us and Him, we take our concerns and fears and questions to the One we know has the answers.

Let's focus together to put our hope in God !

If you haven't read last weeks Seeking Sunday which discusses being beautifully made and what's in a person's heart, feel free to head back here

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Easter Bunny Bushel Baskets - Handpainted!

The other day while visiting my local Pier One store, I was lucky enough to purchase a bunch of bushel baskets the store used for display, large and small sizes, for super duper cheap! 

14 to be exact.

I'm sure the friend I was shopping with thought I was just as crazy as a daisy as I was more interested in these plain old bushel baskets rather than the other colorful items in the store.

But OH, I just knew they had potential!

Hand painted and Personalized
Easter Bunny Bushel Baskets

The raw baskets were given a good coat of baby pink paint by Plaid.

An adorable classic bunny face peeping out of the grass was painted on one side.

A fluffy bunny tail adorns the opposite side.

Colorful Easter eggs lay in the handpainted cartoonish grass as colorful polka dots dance like bubbles.

Our last name was hand painted in black with white polka dots.

It's such a thrill to transform something plain into a colorful little masterpiece.

These baskets may not make it into the shop today, seems Etsy is having some hiccups.

If you are interested and would like more information on obtaining a handpainted personalized basket just in time for the Easter Bunny, leave a comment or email me. 

They are available in 2 sizes and almost any color. 

Linking up at these Fantastic Blogs {here}

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Seeking Sunday #3 - Beautifully Made

Good Sunday Morning to you all.  Today I have 2 very special verses to share with you today and a very personal reason to share them.  Many of you know Alexis through this blog [aka Boom, Boom Boom or Lollie] and some of her daily challenges.  As a mother to this awesome little person, I experience the greatest joy on a daily basis as well as some of the deepest sorrows a mom can endure.  I'm not here today looking for sympathy... but to raise awareness to an issue I know my family is not alone with.

For the most part, Alexis has an incredible outlook on life, she loves herself and everyone around her... with immense passion, she is the most forgiving person I know.  I've talked a bit about her challenges {here},{here} and {here}.  We have made great strides building self esteem over the years but there is one thing, one ignorant action that sets a fire under Alexis [and mommy] which always sets us a few steps back. 


Alexis and mommy spent a wonderful afternoon dress shopping for the upcoming 9th grade dance next week to find a pretty dress.  It really was a glorious day for the both of us.  Alexis has recently lost 16 1/2 pounds and we couldn't be happier for her.  For the first time in her 15 years, she was having fun picking out outfits and trying them on.  Gone was the whining that usually accompanies shopping trips big and small.  She feels lighter on her feet, she feels less pain walking around, she likes the way the clothes are fitting!  Mommy was enjoying this bonding experience no matter what the cost!

Then it happened... that smile turned upside down.  The head, which had previously been held high with happiness now drooped to the floor.  An insistent panic filled her voice "Mom, mom, MOM!  Let's go... NOW!"  Grabbing my shirt she began pulling me to the nearest exit.  I immediately bent down to ask what was wrong and offer some reassurance to calm the situation.  Seems another younger child had been scoping her out... staring... and apparently taunting her. 

"What's wrong with her? ... What's wrong with her shoes? ... Why is she so FAT?"

The little girl continued to repeat these questions in loud shouts throughout the store as she intermittently bobbed her little head around the clothing racks to take yet another gander at my girl. 

What bothered me most was the parental ignorance of the situation.  When the girl approached again, I said Hello, and introduced her to Alexis.  She asked again, what was wrong with her shoes and I kindly explained.  The three women accompanying this child then countered my attempt at kindness with more ignorance towards the girl, "Why don't you just shut your little trap..." followed by some expletives. 

Parents, I implore you... start when they are young to teach tolerance and acceptance.  Teach your children kindness toward others - even if they are different in some way.  But most importantly,  when your child is curious, explain!  My children are no different than yours, we encounter people everyday who are different from us and YES they have been known to stare a time or two.  As a mother I find it my responsibility to correct my children when they do this, but not with shouts or expletives which calls further attention to the uncomfortable situation.  My children are taught to offer that stranger a hello or a wave and a smile.  It is okay to start a conversation and even ask a question or two.  This is an amazing way to TeAcH your child about the world instead of FeaRing the unknown. 

What really struck my heart was what my daughter said to me in the car ride back home.  Her knowledge is very humbling ya know. 

" I am NOT an ugly girl mom... I am beautiful. 
It is not about the face, it's about the heart!"

What she said, brought happy tears to my eyes and to this verse for Seeking Sunday from 1 Samuel 16:7

"God does not view things the way men do. People look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart"

I know what's in her heart...

Love you all... prayers til next time!

Linking {here}

Friday, March 16, 2012

Retro Goodness - Chevelle SS

Scratch another project off the list!  I've finally completed another customer order that has been hanging out in the workspace this month!  I had lots of time to play with this one.

I gave you a quick peek back {here} and for some unknown reason, I see the photos from that post have disappeared much like the pics in my PB Train post did.  Maybe T&B is haunted!  I know what I'll be working on this weekend... hmmmm

For this order, I was given two small snapshots of a Chevy Chevelle SS and was asked to just paint it.
                                                                          So I did! 

This custom canvas measure in at 30X28 unframed.  Since she was local, I had the hubs construct a simple wood frame which I painted out in a dark Seal Grey.  LoVe it!

Wanna know a simple trick to taking a small photograph and enlarging it to any size...even if you can't draw a staight line?

WithOUT the hassle of paying a pro?

I'll share that trick with you... next time here on T&B.   Why not go ahead and follow, then you won't miss it!

                                                                          Retro Style

Did you know that your photos and favorite things can be transformed into a custom canvas mural?
You're in the right place!  Just drop me a line or visit my Etsy shop {here}

Yes, I'll be linking up to these FAB link parties!  {here}

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

DIY Lantern from Dollar Store Goods!

This project pairs up two of the luvs in my life right now!  The Dollar Tree and Pintrest.
What's not to love?
                                     *    free InsPiration
                                                                          * Affordable Goodies

A DIY Lantern!!!

I came across this photo on pintrest the other day:
{original source listed!}

Instantly, I just KNEW I could pull this one off with a few things from the new DT.  I don't think I told you that another one just opened which is even bigger just 10 minutes from the house! 

The total cost for this project was only $2 ...

say WHAT????

{I already had the jute twine from the DT on hand}  Just add a buck to your total if you need to pick up the twine while you're there... still can't beat it!  For my lantern, I wanted to try my hand {again} at a faux mercury glass finish.  You can find all sorts of Tutes in blogland for faux mercury glass.  I used Rustoleum metallic and vinegar!  Super duper easy.

When your vase is dry {if you choose to try the mercury glass version} simply wrap the twine tightly around the curve, being sure to leave long loops for hanging.  Instant gratification with this project...
took all of 5 minutes to wrap up.  Insert candle, hang and VoiLaaa.

I have a bunch of things in the works... and YES I will be getting back to my favorite medium ever...


There are a few new things in my workspace I've been painting up and can't wait to finish them up to share with you.  I've been spending WAY too much time lurking around the DT and have a buncha cute projects from dollar store items to show you too! 

You may have noticed, T&B has been changing it's look... be warned, it may continue to change a bit more before I'm happy.  More on that to come soon.

If you like this project just a teensy weensy bit, I'd love it if you left me a quick comment... I could sure use the pick me up too!  Before you leave,  make sure you've become a follower of T&B so you don't miss a darn thing!  There are oh so many ways!  Let me know you did, I follow back!


I'll be linking to these wonderful parties all listed here and {here}

    Mondays: Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill Make it Monday @ Brassy Apple Craftomaniac Monday @ CraftOManiac The More the Merrier Monday @ DIY Home Sweet Home Weekend Warrior Monday @ Ask Anna Polly Want to Party Monday @ Polly Want a Crafter Tuesdays: Tip Toe Thru Tuesday @ Crayon Freckles A Diamond in the Stuff Tuesday To Do Party @ The Blackberry Vine Tell Me Tuesday @ Me and My Boys Tip Me Tuesday @ Tip Junkie Tuesday Time Out @ Reasons to Skip the Housework Show and Share @ Lil Pink Pocket Will Craft For... @ Trophy Wife Wednesdays: Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims Whatever Goes Wednesday @ Someday Crafts Linkin' With Lil' Luna @ Lil' Luna Mrs. Fox's Sweet Party @ Mrs. Fox's Sweets Frog Blog Love @ Kissed by a Frog Create and Share @ The Trendy Treehouse Thursdays: Link it up Thursday @ These Peas Taste Funny Crafty Scrappy Happy Thursday @ Crafty Scrappy Happy Crazy Cute Thursday @ Between U & Me Thinga Majig Thursday @ Radcrafter Fridays: Flaunt it Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring Freestyle Fridays @ Happy Hour Projects Simply Creations Friday @ My Simple Home Life Feature Yourself Fridays @ Fingerprints on the Fridge Party Mindy Style @ Bacon Time with the Hungy Hypo Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home Saturdays: Saturday Spendour @ Meg and Mum's Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors Cherished Treasures @ Cherished Treasures Whatcha Got Weekend @ Lolly Jane Shindig Saturday @ Kim's Kandy Kreations Weekend Showoff Party @ Ladybird Lane Sundays: Just Something I Whipped Up @ The Girl Creative Sundae Scoop @ I Heart Naptime Sunday Showcase Party @ Under the Table and Dreaming Not Baaad Sundays @ Lamb Around Monthly challenges or Other Link Ups!: Valentine's Day Decorating Challenge @ Foods Sri Lanka

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tips for Potted Plants

Spring is just around the corner.
The grass is turning bright green and the crocus are starting to pop from hibernation here.
I have some clippings from a spider plant which were given to me at Christmas time and I felt it was time to get them started in some dirt and some cute little pots I've been holding onto.
Perhaps you have some plants that need potting or repotting?

Ensure your indoor Potted Plants thrive;
  Whether you are starting your planting from a clipping that has rooted or a potted plant that has outgrown it's container following a few simple steps will ensure a happy pretty plant!

1. Choose your container keeping in mind the size of your plant.  Do not put a small plant in a large container, it will not thrive well and it's a waste of potting mix.

2. Choose a container that allows drainage.  If your plant's roots get too much water, they will rot!
If you choose to use a container that does not have drainage holes, be sure to add about an inch or so of rocks or marbles to the bottom before adding your soil to allow excess water to drain under your soil as I have done.

3.  Use a good quality potting mix formulated for the type of plant you have.

4.  Know your plants sun requirements.  Some like direct sunlight while some do not! 

5.  Fertilize once a week.  

Tip!  Did you know that diluted coffee and coffee grounds are excellant fertilizers for your potted plants?  Water your plants, once a week, with a ratio of 1 part coffee to 4 parts water and your plants will be happy little campers! 

just because I like to share,
{no affiliation involved}
 get a free sample of Miracle Grow's Expand & Grow while supplies last

Sharing with these fantastic blogs here and [here]

PlaCes I PaRTy! Do you have a link party on your blog and want some more company, drop me a line and I'll be over! Mondays: Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill Make it Monday @ Brassy Apple Craftomaniac Monday @ CraftOManiac The More the Merrier Monday @ DIY Home Sweet Home Weekend Warrior Monday @ Ask Anna Polly Want to Party Monday @ Polly Want a Crafter Tuesdays: Tip Toe Thru Tuesday @ Crayon Freckles A Diamond in the Stuff Tuesday To Do Party @ The Blackberry Vine Tell Me Tuesday @ Me and My Boys Tip Me Tuesday @ Tip Junkie Tuesday Time Out @ Reasons to Skip the Housework Show and Share @ Lil Pink Pocket Will Craft For... @ Trophy Wife Wednesdays: Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims Whatever Goes Wednesday @ Someday Crafts Linkin' With Lil' Luna @ Lil' Luna Mrs. Fox's Sweet Party @ Mrs. Fox's Sweets Frog Blog Love @ Kissed by a Frog Create and Share @ The Trendy Treehouse Thursdays: Link it up Thursday @ These Peas Taste Funny Crafty Scrappy Happy Thursday @ Crafty Scrappy Happy Crazy Cute Thursday @ Between U & Me Thinga Majig Thursday @ Radcrafter Fridays: Flaunt it Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring Freestyle Fridays @ Happy Hour Projects Simply Creations Friday @ My Simple Home Life Feature Yourself Fridays @ Fingerprints on the Fridge Party Mindy Style @ Bacon Time with the Hungy Hypo Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home Saturdays: Saturday Spendour @ Meg and Mum's Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors Cherished Treasures @ Cherished Treasures Whatcha Got Weekend @ Lolly Jane Shindig Saturday @ Kim's Kandy Kreations Weekend Showoff Party @ Ladybird Lane Sundays: Just Something I Whipped Up @ The Girl Creative Sundae Scoop @ I Heart Naptime Sunday Showcase Party @ Under the Table and Dreaming Not Baaad Sundays @ Lamb Around Monthly challenges or Other Link Ups!: Valentine's Day Decorating Challenge @ Foods Sri Lanka