
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The "Happy" Dance

Sharing time!

Last Friday night, my girl attended her first Freshman Dance as a high schooler! Sniff Sniff, we will not discuss the whole High School thing right now and how I am feeling old as dirt and get into trouble when I continue to refer to her as my 'wittle peanut'.

No, no dress remake this year... we went store bought.  Believe me I wanted to make a dress but I have to admit i can't do it all.  So thank you God for allowing us to happen upon this dress!
What a face!  Look at that dimple!
 Attempting to strike a pose had us both cracking up with laughter as she almost fell over!
 The fun of the photo shoot began to wear off.
Can you imagine what she's thinking here?  I bet it's not "I love you Mom"

So lady like... NOT.
Oh my gosh... she even wore makeup!  That is a first for this girl.  I do think there is a girly girl in there somewhere!  Seemed to like Mommy's blingy sparkly earrings as much as I do.

Long story short,  She had a blast!  I made sure she and her friend made it safely inside the school cafeteria which was transformed to a night in Vegas... lovely night for them. 
I retreated to the car, where I began to hyperventilate and cry! You'd have thought I just dropped them off on the corner of the worst city in the world for the murders and wrongdoers to have their way with them!  Longest 3 hours of my life.  I was so afraid someone would tease or make fun or stare like we've been experiencing A LOT lately.
The next day she found out that I had cried.  She turned to me and told me I was SillY. No one made fun of them, no one was mean, in fact... she danced!  She danced with her friends from the average classes.  Everyone loved her dress and told her how pretty she was!  Mommy did a Happy Dance of her own!  Just a few more before you go!


  1. Awww... I'm so happy for her! It's great that she had the opportunity to go and that she had a blast!

    I would so be crying, too! I more than likely will when it's time for my kiddos to go to their first dance or on their first date.

  2. OH I'm so glad that she had a great time! I am so not ready for high school. So glad that that's a bit away fro us. I'd bawl too. Ask my boys I cry about all sorts of things. They think I'm nuts. Love the dress!

  3. Oh, she looks so cute in that dress! It sounds like she had a BLAST!

    And you are such a good Mom! I don't have kids of my own, but I can always tell who the good Moms are because they worry and cry and would sacrifice anything for their children. I hope you enjoy this journey with her because I hate to point it out, but before you know it she'll be all grown up! (Don't hate me for that last sentence)

  4. i love her! the last 3 pictures are the best! they show her personality! so so so so so so so so happy that she went and had a good time!

  5. Found you through Someday Crafts....beautiful girl!!!! I'm so glad she had such a wonderful time! Your story and her sass gave me a big smile this morning! :)

  6. She's so cute! Her smile is contagious. The dance a big milestone! High School will go fast...

  7. Ahhh, she looks beautiful! Good for her for telling you that YOU were the silly one! That shows a lot about her character and how wonderful a job you have done raising her to conquer this world. Good luck Mama!!

  8. beautiful! her dress and her smile!

  9. What a girl! She looked so pretty and clearly she had fun... We always assume the worst rather than hope for the best as mommas I guess...

    Found you through the link up at these peas taste funny... and so glad I did! Following you and your beauty from her on out!!!

  10. My son Ty attended the prom with his community based class in 2006. He had a a blast and I even have a picture of him dancing with a sweet young lady that was in his class.

    I bawled like a baby when I left him there. We have been so blessed and are so lucky to have our sweet boy!


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