
Monday, March 26, 2012

DIY Poster Sized Photos for FREE!

I consider myself a painter, a crafter, a connoisseur of DIY.  I'm often referred to as an 'artist' by those around me which, honestly, makes me want to giggle.  Sure, I can draw and yes, I can paint... but an artist?  Picasso, Degas, Monet - now they were artists!  I even hesitate to refer to my paintings as 'Art'. 

When I paint, I like to paint BIG.  A majority of the time I will sketch an image from a small photograph by hand... taking time to get the angles and perspectives 'just right' as I did with the Knock Off of the Pottery Barn Train Mural.  It's hard to see, but you can see the sketch faintly below in pencil.
{from pencil sketch to finished product}

Today, I wanted to let you in on a cool way to enlarge images to poster size for your craft projects!  I found out about this site months ago while browsing over at the Graphics Fairy and have used it a few times for some pretty large projects. 
Block Posters
it's FREE too!
With block posters you take and image of any size, upload it from your computer and choose how many sheets of papers wide you want it blown up to.  I used block posters recently for the painting of the Chevy Chevelle {here}.  My client had given me 2 small photos of her brother's car to work with.  I could have hand sketched it but I found that using block posters I could easily enlarge it to the size I wanted and then transfer it with carbon paper.  I simply printed it here at home using just grey scale ink, trimmed the white edges and taped it together to make my 'pattern'.

I have another project in mind that I will be using Blockposters for... can't wait to share it!

{ps. this is NOT a sponsored post, just wanted to share a cool new tool with some good friends!}

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