
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Message to My Bloggie Friends

Hey All!

I am so sorry for my absence from the blog recently!  I have NOT fallen off the face of the earth!

I have been extremely overwhelmed with some personal issues lately and they have ZaPpeD the creativity right on OuT of me!  You may know that I have a special needs daughter, Alexis and a MIL with advancing Alzheimers Disease... a very active 10 year old and a hubster...among 2 dogs, a cat, and a bird! 

By Gods grace, I will be getting some help in caring for the MIL very soon!  I plan to be back 


in July.  Please, no pitty party... but I hope you'll stick around!  I will be back and hope to make the wait well worth the pain!  Thanks for all the well wishes some of you have sent.  Your prayers mean more to me and my family than anything! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Boys Craft Too!

Wanted to share two crafted items my little man Austin recently made for me.  Before school let out last week, they had a celebration for Pennsylvania.  They had been learning all about our state this year.   I love this little clay statue he molded.  Complete with rivers and mountain.  Now, don't ask me what the orange dots are for because he doesn't know either.  He said, the teacher just said to put them there!  Hey, at least he follows directions!

 My favorite is this little corn husk doll he crafted.  It sits in my kitchen to remind me every day how his little hands can create!

Isn't it precious?

I sometimes forget that those little hands are talented at more than baseball and football and all other 'sport' activities.
I may be biased but I do think he's quite talented.

Isn't he a cutie?

    (don't mind the cheek full of - what else, but sunflower seeds! )

I've been thinking alot about which direction I want this blog to go in.  I absolutely love to share the little things we create around here with you but I also feel that it needs to evolve.  Should we host some parties here?  Should I have theme days...

I'd love to know what you think.
What would you like to see here?
What would keep you coming back?

Happy Monday Everyone!

Sorry so late to announce the winner of the Redbook Party Pack Giveaway.  It's been a whirlwind of a weekend.  School let out for summer,  Hubster turned the big 50, Father's Day, a graduation and on to the WiNNeRs!   Chosen at random...

Grand Prize Winner of the WHOLE caboodle is

Krista @ While He Was Napping said...
I'm a recipe hoarder, so that's my favorite part of redbook.

 My three Runner Up winners will also be recieving a wonderful suprise in the mail this week!
 Emily said...
I added your giveaway to my friday finds which is actually going up tomorrow afternoon. So just stop by and check it out. it will be up Thursday afternoon.
Blogger Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...
my fav loreal product goes back to when I was a kid haha. those fish shaped shampoo bottles with no tears! loved them lol
           Shooting Stars Mag said...
how fun. i follow you via gfc

Congratulations Ladies!  If I have your contact info you will be receiving an email from me shortly.  If you do not receive one by the end of today (Monday) please email me with your contact info!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Strange Saturday 'Stuff'

Today has been a strange day to say the least.
Still feeling a bit down...
So I carved out some me time and painted these mini birdhouses

Not what I originally had in mind when I bought them...
I was in a pinkie pie
shabby chic kinda mood
with a bit of ZeBRa thrown in!
Here's another view

Think they will be listed in my Zibbet shop tomorrow.
Unless, you are interested now...
$3.50 each
$9.50 for the set of 3

Then... still feeling 'OfF'
I grabbed the fabric samples I bought a while back 
Two bucks a square...I think I got a good deal considering
the cheapest yard of each of these was about $60.00

Most were Laura Ashley and Waverly

My favorite are the two embroidered peices

I backed one with a remnant from the bench fabric used here.
It was from the velvet curtain panel.

The other is a seafoam green and carmelish gold velvet stripe...
I even attempted to add fringe to that one!
It was backed with a dupioni silk in seafoam.


Hubs laughed as I drag out an old couch pillow I had stashed to reuse the stuffing.  That stuff can be expensive!  I saved it when we got rid of the couch to originally made the dog a bed... sorry Stasha.

Here is the finished pillow with the teal back on the couch.  The couch is a rusty colored old set, but in good condition.
I wasn't sure if I could pull off adding the pops of blue to that living room because of the couch...
until I found that fabric!

The other photo didn't upload.  I'll show you that one later.
I've got some more stuff coming up for ya,
but for now
I think I may just go to bed.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day!

Linkin with Luv with...

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite SpecialPhotobucket

Join in the PiLLoW Fight- with Ladybird Lane!

I've been a bit 'down' these last few days due to the day to day stresses of caring for my failing MIL and my daughter's many health issues.  So this morning I've been bLoG StaLKing and came upon a great post that made me stop in my tracks...

and ThiNK a bit...
Ladybird Ln

I wanted to share this with all of you who may not be familiar with Ladybird Lane's blog.  I know the best way to stop feeling sorry for yourself is to do for others...the happiness kind of spreads...

Please stop by Ladybird Lane and read about a wonderfully crafty 14 year old girl named Malynn. She is on a quest to donate 100 handmade pillows to her local children's hospital and she needs our help!  I just know that with all of the talented help here in blogland we could easily help her meet her goal!

There is a great giveaway being offered as a BonuS as well !!!

I know I'll be participating... will you?  Don't worry if you don't know the first thing about making a pillowcase, Ladybird Lane also shares a great tute for making them here.  I know I'll be making at least one to donate, but hoping to be able to swing more!
This really is a wonderful opportunity.  It touches my heart in a special way and really hits home... Alexis has spent many many nights in our local children's hospital and a sweet gift like a homemade pillow would have made her day night!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ladies Night Out "Redbook" Party & Giveaway

A little while back (here) I introduced you to a wonderfully fun site called House Party and the Redbook Party.  I was one of the lucky few who were chosen to host this fun party.  I've been excited and patiently waiting to see what would come in the 'party pack' I was to receive.  Imagine my suprise when the FedEx man dropped a HuGe box at my door yesterday!

I could hardly get it in the door it was so heavy!  It was almost like Christmas (my FAV holiday everrrr) as I rooted through this huge box!  With my assistant Ortie's help, of course... where's Ortie?

Yes, he's in there too!

Now, as a gracious host of this event... I'm to share these goodies with the guests of my Redbook Party.  That's where you come in!  I know you all can't hop a flight and attend in person but one of you can win a grand prize gift bag I've put togeather for you and 3 of you will win something as well!  That's right, there is a chance for 4 of you to win!

I can't leave all of you lovelies out, can I? 

So, one lucky reader of this blog will be the winner of a goody bag fit for a princess!  What will you get?

One copy of the July issue of Redbook Mag and a blue Redbook reusable tote full of these goodies!

1 full size L'Oreal voluminous mascara in black
Redbook makeup bag in light blue
NCircle DVD 'Front Row Fun'
1 Full Size L'Oreal Youth Code Serum Intense skin treatment
L'oreal samples and coupons including
  Youth Code Day/night Cream
  New Magic Smooth Souffle'
  Ever Pure Shampoo/conditioner
  Ever Strong Shampoo/conditioner
  Ever Sleek Shampoo/Conditiner and Leave in cream
1 12oz pack of Seattle's Best Coffee
Land's End Coupon
Nook Info
AND a 1 year Subscription to Redbook Magazine! 

And, 3 more of you will win a copy of the DVD from NCircle!

Now for the 'how to' part:

1.  You must be a follower of Tiaras and Bowties here.
2.  You must leave me a comment on this post telling me so please.

Extra Entry Chances: (Post each in a separate comment)
1.  Post a link about this giveaway and come back letting me know you did so.  Or add the giveaway button to your side bar too!
2.  Tell me what you LUV about Redbook Magazine.
3.  Follow Tiaras and Bowties on Facebook. Come back and comment to let me know.
4.  If you were the host of a Redbook Party- tell me some fun party games to play with your guests or how you would decorate for it.
5.  Tell me what your favorite L'Oreal Product is and why.

There ya go... not too bad.  You have 6, that's right, 6 chances each to win!  Winners will be chosen the old fashioned way... from a hat!
It's funner for me and allows me to involve my kids in the fun too.

Contest will be open until Friday night June 17th at Midnight.  Unfortunately, it will only run for those in the US.  Due to some shipping issues lately I will be unable to ship internationally and I am very sorry about that! 

the winner will be announced Sat. June 18th here on the blog.  Please Please leave me a way to reach you, especially if your a 'no reply' blogger. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Orton weighs in on 'Animal Print'

It was my pleasure to introduce to you the newest addition to our family here.  Orton aka Ornery Ortie has been busy finding his place here in the crazy Sminkey household.  He has found a new bestie friend of Stasha our big girl.  She didn't make it easy for him. 

He really enjoys torturing Sassy the cat, loving on the kids and running crazily around and around the yard making us laugh hysterically. 
But Orton's favorite place is anywhere near me, my feet, my arms, or his little pillow next to my chair... his 'assistant' chair.  He always listens intently as I talk and talk to him and ask his opinion of all things crafty!

Recently, Orton and I had a long discussion over animal print.  I luv them...all kinds...all colors...all of them.

Seems Ortie likes them too!
His favorite seems to be 'cheetah' but he likes the grey & white 'cat' one too.
Sassy the cat

After our discussion, and a few minutes of play... We decided to paint this side table. 
 Pardon the fuzzy photos...I really do not know what the heck is wrong with my camera!  It was just a plain old light stained piece that had seen better day.  Originally I had painted it off white and distressed it with a tone on tone harlequin pattern on the top and drawer front.  It wasn't working for me.  So we sanded, well I sanded and the dogs both barked at me... and repainted an off white shade slightly different than the legs and free handed some dark gray stripes. 
I think it so FAB!  Distressed for that authentic safari feel.  Edges and legs were sanded and the whole piece is protected with wax sealer.   This piece is up for sale, as much as I wanna keep it, but Mama needs a new camera (obviously).  Giving a choice of the original wood knob drawer pull painted dark gray (included) or an amber glass door knob drawer pull (nominal extra fee).

So what are your thoughts on animal print in the home?  Orton is waiting to hear what you have to say...
Linking up with some FaB parties this week!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special
