
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Join in the PiLLoW Fight- with Ladybird Lane!

I've been a bit 'down' these last few days due to the day to day stresses of caring for my failing MIL and my daughter's many health issues.  So this morning I've been bLoG StaLKing and came upon a great post that made me stop in my tracks...

and ThiNK a bit...
Ladybird Ln

I wanted to share this with all of you who may not be familiar with Ladybird Lane's blog.  I know the best way to stop feeling sorry for yourself is to do for others...the happiness kind of spreads...

Please stop by Ladybird Lane and read about a wonderfully crafty 14 year old girl named Malynn. She is on a quest to donate 100 handmade pillows to her local children's hospital and she needs our help!  I just know that with all of the talented help here in blogland we could easily help her meet her goal!

There is a great giveaway being offered as a BonuS as well !!!

I know I'll be participating... will you?  Don't worry if you don't know the first thing about making a pillowcase, Ladybird Lane also shares a great tute for making them here.  I know I'll be making at least one to donate, but hoping to be able to swing more!
This really is a wonderful opportunity.  It touches my heart in a special way and really hits home... Alexis has spent many many nights in our local children's hospital and a sweet gift like a homemade pillow would have made her day night!


  1. Thank you so much for helping me spread the word about this, and committing to make a pillowcase! You are amazing, it sounds like you have a pretty full plate!

    Thank you!


  2. :( sorry things are rough right now. my prayers are with you all. give it up to God honey. He'll be up all night anyway.... xx


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