
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Message to My Bloggie Friends

Hey All!

I am so sorry for my absence from the blog recently!  I have NOT fallen off the face of the earth!

I have been extremely overwhelmed with some personal issues lately and they have ZaPpeD the creativity right on OuT of me!  You may know that I have a special needs daughter, Alexis and a MIL with advancing Alzheimers Disease... a very active 10 year old and a hubster...among 2 dogs, a cat, and a bird! 

By Gods grace, I will be getting some help in caring for the MIL very soon!  I plan to be back 


in July.  Please, no pitty party... but I hope you'll stick around!  I will be back and hope to make the wait well worth the pain!  Thanks for all the well wishes some of you have sent.  Your prayers mean more to me and my family than anything! 


  1. Totally understand. Take care of yourself and your family... we'll be here when you return. Lots of love sending your way. Vicki

  2. hugs to you dearest... know you're dealing with things right now. know my prayers and happy thoughts are with you!


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!