
Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Monday Everyone!

Sorry so late to announce the winner of the Redbook Party Pack Giveaway.  It's been a whirlwind of a weekend.  School let out for summer,  Hubster turned the big 50, Father's Day, a graduation and on to the WiNNeRs!   Chosen at random...

Grand Prize Winner of the WHOLE caboodle is

Krista @ While He Was Napping said...
I'm a recipe hoarder, so that's my favorite part of redbook.

 My three Runner Up winners will also be recieving a wonderful suprise in the mail this week!
 Emily said...
I added your giveaway to my friday finds which is actually going up tomorrow afternoon. So just stop by and check it out. it will be up Thursday afternoon.
Blogger Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...
my fav loreal product goes back to when I was a kid haha. those fish shaped shampoo bottles with no tears! loved them lol
           Shooting Stars Mag said...
how fun. i follow you via gfc

Congratulations Ladies!  If I have your contact info you will be receiving an email from me shortly.  If you do not receive one by the end of today (Monday) please email me with your contact info!

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