
Saturday, April 16, 2011

BuTTer my BuTT!

Today is turning out to be a very Cherished Day!
Yes, my friends...I woke up to hitting my 1st big milstone as a newbie blogger!  I now have a total of 10 blogger followers!  Now, I just 'Thanked' you all here yesterday and I really thought I would cry (out of joy) when I hit that big anticipated 10. But, sorry to disappoint you, I didn't.

I chose to dance!

Fast forward 1 hour:

This morning was very windy, very cold, and threatening to rain.
Really Hard!
Not the best way to enjoy the 3rd game of little league.

Well, the org made out on it's hoodie sales today!  People were

Alexis in said purchased hoodie.  She now has t-shirt & 2 hoodies on...happiness!
I luv that kid.

Myself included. (I didn't wear my flip flops today thankfully)

Well, those poor kids played hard but ended up loosing, and man when that game ended it started pouring!  Cold, wet...and hail!
This is the 1st day of our spring break...really?

Fast Forward to lunch time...home now, cold, hungry, cranky and absolutely NO feeling left in my nose miserable.  Made lunch, started some laundry... still cranky, then decided to do some stalking!  Blog stalking mmmK?  I started laughing...and yelling...and high 5 'ing my hubby & kids when I saw
Cherished Treasures”=

Just BuTter my Big Ole BuTT & call me a Buscuit!

For Me?
(eye lashes fluttering)
I am really so Flattered!
Cherished Treasures featured my painted bunny from here.

Now, if my future in blogging continues to bless me with this much bliss, when I hit 50 followers, 
I may just have to really put on that tiara and tutu & dance.
And show you a photo of it!
we'll see...

I recieve a Bible verse in my email everyday, and thought I'd share it with you.  I feel like my gray clouds are clearin' up...this was like my little 'reminder' that my Saviour Jesus said..."See, have faith."
Jeremiah 29:11For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (ESV)

Spent yesterday thrifting, will share my treasures with you later in another post along with a multitude of little pretties I've been working on!  Waiting to hear if I'm chosen to host a Redbook(c) Magazine Garden Party in June...that'll be fun If I'm chosen!

want a little sneak peak?

see ya soon!


1 comment:

I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!