
Sunday, April 17, 2011

A tale of 2 Angels.

Today was a 'transformation project' day.  Needed to do something to get the creative juices flowin' on a wanna sit on the couch kinda day.  Today was absolutely beautiful- sun, birds chirping, breezy- especially after the torrential downpours that hit most of the East coast yesterday.  My prayers go out for those down south hit hardest with tornadoes and such!  That rain and wind and cold last night was pretty scary here, can't imagine there.

I've had a 'thing' for Angels since Alexis was a small babe and came thru all of her medical adventures.  The other day while out I popped into our local Family Dollar.  I picked up these beauties for a whopping $1.29 each from the clearance shelf.  Actually, I saw them, said 'Eeee- uhhhh' and moved on.  About half way thru the store I thought about those poor little Angels...sitting there, so alone... wondering if anyone was going to offer them a place to live.
                       Meet Faith & Hope

I flew back over and put them lovingly in my cart.  "It's OK, Faith & Hope...I'm here now.  Let's get you home."

Now, Faith & Hope were supposed to look like painted hand carved wood.  Now, I am sorry Family Dollar supplier who so poorly dressed these babies...but they are NOT pretty!  They so lovingly sat on my little plastic spray paint table and waited.  I know they were a bit frightened, but they new it was for the best as they both received a refreshing shower of Antique White spray. 

The girls patiently waited for their second spraying and giggled as I introduced them to King Henry.  King Henry was found in a mess of a pile at the Good Will last week too.  That was no place for such a regal fella...he couldn't believe his family tossed him out!

King Henry and the girls hung out and enjoyed the most beautiful day they had seen in a while...feeling so clean and refreshed, while I ran a quick errand.
I had to use this before it expired.  What to buy, what to buy?
Bought a roll of window screen, have a few holey window screens and don't want the flying buggies getting in this summer!  Cost me only $3.00
We moved indoors to finish the transformation process seeing as I needed to cook some dinner for the others... darn.  Faith and Hope received a nice dousing of Burnt Umber paint thinned with a bit of water.  I wasn't dragging out the big guns for such a tiny project!

Then, the glaze was wiped off with an old sock.  What?  I don't know what else to do with those sock singles...every little thing has a purpose in the Sminkey household (except those little flyin bugs).
Ta-Dah!  Two little Angels named Faith & Hope now look like the beauties they were meant to be!  The photo doesn't do them much justice though.  They now look like the hand carved, rustic angels they were meant to be.  And they are happily watching over me as I wash dishes from dinner and begin to give King Henry the same treatment.  

Now Henry wasn't quite as excited over his spray paint shower as the girls were... he wanted to pit and bubble a bit.  (see above) BUT that was ok I explained to him.  We would accept him bubbles and all.  "They just enhance that vintage character you have Henry."  Here he is, all antiqued and wiped down.  We haven't decided where he wants to hang out quite yet...perhaps the bedroom?  I'll give him a few days to let me know where he feels most needed.

For now Faith and Hope do not mind hanging out on the old kitchen shelf with the other 'rescued' items... They now know that their transformation will soon be coming as well!  Chef Pepe will be getting his soon...and I have a plan for the little hot cocoa tin with mini whisk... until next time!

I have some big things coming soon... be on the lookout for a giveaway from little ole me Easter week on My Girlish Whims.

And, I am planning a pretty nice little giveaway myself here!  Nothing makes me happier than seeing that follower # creep up.  How about a 'custom canvas' made by me?  Any theme, any colors, your choice!  Start thinkin what you want and as soon as I get a full 50 followers we will have a Custom Giveaway!


Faith Hope & Henry will be partying at the following link parties this week.  Take a few moments and visit these FAB blogs,  check out all the talented blog owners and party participants...

Take a minute and leave comments for those you visit!  You know how enjoyable it is to hear from other bloggers:
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


Sumo Sweet Stuff

Today's Creative Blog

The buttons seem to have a mind of their own!
Cherished Treasures”=

The Trendy Treehouse

Sunburnt Cow Handmade Shop

Transformation Thursday


  1. How sweet...I love those Angels. Thanks for joining my newbie party. Have fun!

  2. Kim,
    They look sooooo good after the makeover.


  3. Hi! New follower here from the Homemaker on a Dime's blog hop. I'm really surprised you don't have more followers. I read your entire post, it was so entertaining with the bubbly King Henry and all. The angels and him look lovely. Glad to follow you! You have a lot of talent.

  4. What a great job you did refurbishing those finds. Isn't that fun?

    I meant to tell you the other day how BEAUTIFUL your painting is. Works of art!

  5. I enlarged Faith and Hope to check out those faux wood dresses and you were right to get them into new duds!
    They look absolutely charming now!
    And, I am sure His Highness will find the perfect place to hang out in the palace!
    Thanks for coming to THT

  6. Well, my word...whodathunk those angels could turn out looking soooo much better! Ya done good, girlie! And I loved the way you told their story.

    Thanks so much for linking up to the Sunburnt Cow link party.


  7. hi there!
    Stopping by from Trendy Treehouse!
    Please stop by and say hi!


  8. Those look really great...good for you!

  9. Lovely angels! Thank you for sharing this at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :) I hope you'll join us again starting 5 pm this Sunday, PST.

  10. They turned out beautiful--thanks for linking to Share the Love Wednesday!

  11. Thank you for sharing the story of Faith and Hope and King Henry with those although I cannot quite understand why he is called King Henry :) Great finishes on all.

  12. Wonderful transformations, you have a good eye to be able to see the beauty in those pieces! Deb

  13. They turned out so cute and I love that the paint was for free. Way to go.

  14. Great idea to paint them and the glaze takes them to a new level! Love this one!

  15. Great job and so entertaining to read your story- love that you name all of your projects and let them dictate where they will "hang out" Thanks for linking up to the my dear trash earth day party.

  16. The angels are beautiful! I would never have thought to use the thinned brown paint!

    In the Hammock Vintage


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