
Friday, April 15, 2011

"Thank You!"

Wow, I wanted to pop on real quick like and offer a great big
                ***     "Thank You"    ***
to ALL of you who have taken a moment to visit my new little blog!

It's been 2 weeks since I decided to stop cut back on my stalking everyone else's amazing blogs and get mine going!  I was so afraid...

What if no one shows any interest?  What if no one looks?  What if no one comments...or follows...or, or, or...
Can you tell I have a BIG fear of failure?  Nah... lol.

But in just 2 weeks I've had lots of looky-loos, a bunch of really nice comments, and OMG 9 followers!  Now, I know that doesn't compare to some of you with a couple thousand friend/followers... but man o man, that 9 is amazing!  I tell you I may just cry when I hit 10!  I can't even imagine when that number grows to over 100.

So, again, "Thank YOu" for allowing me share my creativity with you all.  Thank you for stopping over.  Thanks for taking a moment to leave a little comment (it's very encouraging) & a Great Big Gigantic thank you to all of you who have chosen to hit that little blog follower button over there -->

I think I may just go put on a pink tutu and a glittery tiara and dance around the house for a bit!  You've all made my night

I leave you with a photo of a small nightstand I have refinished in a distressed black.

As always...Linkin to these parties and those at the bottom of page {please scroll down} until I get them all in one page here !



  1. I know the exact feelings. I also just started blogging. Come by and check mine out. Yours is beautiful! Great job!

    Becky S.

  2. you are at 10 now!! crying? haha. be happy and wear your tutu instead lol


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!