
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cock-a-doodle-DOO & a HeLP Me PleASe!

**{Let me start by asking all of you lovelies for some help... I can't seem to get my party links correct at the bottom of my posts or on my Link Party Page...When I try to add the HTML for each blog- the photo of the buttons do not appear!  I've had to copy the pic then go back and link the blog address to the photo.  There HAS to be a simpler way!  Please let me know what I'm doing wrong!  Help a girl out!}  THanKs!  If you can help me please shoot me a comment...
THANK YOU for your comments...I think I have it now!
mmmm K ...yes...I know.
I have LOTS to learn here in blog land!
(smile inserted here)

Now, let me get onto showing you something I've been working on over the last week or so.  That's where the cock-a-doodle-do comes into place! 

He's not quite finished yet, but I couldn't wait any longer!

This started life as an old tea cart or microwave cart.  It was given to me free !  That's!  I don't have a photo of how this little guy started out (sorry) but my camera battery was dEaD & I was too impatient to wait!

Believe me, it was just an old cart with an old, dry, blah brown stain...the finish was beat... but it was given to me.

I know...I said he wasn't quite finished!
I need to get to those cracks and add a few more details.

I'm luvin' the look of a funky country kitchen.  Roosters are like my fav animal this week so it only seemed fair... 
AFter sanding and priming,  the first step for this proud little guy's makeover was a  NOt just any ole red, but a nice bright orangey red.  (gotta luv oops paint)  but wasn't quite what I was going for. (I luv red, but...)  So I applied a crackle medium in a very slip slap fashion.

Thick here...thin there...

Then he got a nice coat of a creamy almost buttery white.  Sorry, I don't have the exact color (another oops can) but kinda reminds me of Ben Moore's Marscapone.  I luv a crackle finish that's thick in some spots and thin in others... He still needed something so I added the black and white boarder and started to add vines and leaves.  Made the whole thing sorta PoP!  (i think) The red looks really good peekin thru too.  I still need to add a few details then he'll be roughed up a bit & glazed to look as though he's been a hard working cart in a nice country kitchen.

I'd luv to know what YoU think too!

He will be available for purchase by the end of the week if you're interested! 

see the bottom of the page for the links I PaRTy with!

As always, I'm really glad you stopped over!

Linkin up with:

Furniture Feature Fridays( I did it - page edited - photo link is there!  Thanks so much to you wonderful ladies who told me what I was DOing WrONG!)

and the OTheR FaB parties at the bottom of this page!
Sumo Sweet Stuff


  1. This is great! Very country and cute :) Thanks for linking up to your whims wednesday!

    Are you copying the button code into the post while your under the tab "edit html" ?

  2. This is great! Very country and cute :) Thanks for linking up to your whims wednesday!

    Are you copying the button code into the post while your under the tab "edit html" ?

  3. Yep, Rebecca's got it right. You have to past the html code inside "edit html" you can then click back to compose mode and see the image.

    Good luck!

    Kristie @ Making Life a Bliss

  4. Hi Kim! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier and leaving me a comment. I added myself as a follower here on yours. I'm loving the rooster. He's so handsome. You're quite the talented painter. ~ Robyn

  5. I love your rooster..Great job! I love the crackle mediums too. I use a lot of crackle in my signs.
    I will be back to see more of your work! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow! It looks great!

    Poppies at Play

  7. Oh I've just started my recent love affair with roosters! This is beautiful! Very whimsical and not too loud. Some of them can be very LOUD with the colors which I'm not a fan of. I hope you will share this at my VIP party today =)

  8. Hi Kim,
    Thanks for visiting our blog. I am following you as well. You are one talented gal. I have seen all your beautiful handpainted items including the rooster cart. I don't know if you noticed, but I don't have a button and I don't know how to put other people's buttons in my posts. I'm on Wordpress and the directions are different so I guess I'll have to find someone who uses Wordpress to tell me how to do it!

  9. Great rooster and I love the checked border, too!

  10. Love the transformation, love that it was free and love that you shared with us at My Dear Trash. Thanks.


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