
Monday, February 6, 2012

February To Do's

February's To Do List

There's lots of Thinkin Smink going on around here this February!
Can't believe Love Day is only a few days away with very little pink or hearts to adorn this home!
I'll have to take care of that real quick!

In the meantime, though you might like to know what I'm working on now that the
Flashback to the 80's Variety Show is over.

We have giant cars:

Thrift store bulletin boards getting a fresh new look in hopes to organize this
DiSorGaniZed Momma!
[good luck with that one but at least I'm trying!]

Falling in love with a beautiful soothing new color pallette
OH the inspiration!

Destruction of furniture!
[hey it had nice legs baby]

A Roadkill Rescue too!
I just can't seem to help myself from bringing all the strays home!
Can't wait to share the finished look with you.

There's a bit more going on this month, but we can cover that later!

Don't forget to follow T&B with the NEW Linky Followers now!
GFC will be going bye bye in March for those non Blogger blog writers such as Wordpress.

***(post updated by Kim @ 12:02pm with some GOOD news cause I was wrong!  It's not the first time and it certainly won't be the last.  So for any of you who I scared the crapola out of by panicking over this whole GFC go bye bye, I'm SORRY)***

GFC will remain for all of us who blog via Blogger!
I really thought I was going to lose all of you!

I know I don't want to lose any of you 'cause you're all the bestest!

So no matter HOW you choose to follow...
remember to let me know you are following by leaving a quick comment
I follow back!


  1. ...wait...what???

    "Don't forget to follow T&B with the NEW Linky Followers now!
    GFC will be going bye bye in March"

    What does this mean?

    I love your blog, btw...definitely don't want to lose you, either!!

  2. i love that roadside rescue. it looks a bit like a produce stand of sorts that you'd see in a market. ahh... the things i could do with that! can't wait to see what your creative mind comes up with!


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!