
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Follow with the NEW Linky Follow Tool!

I am usually one of the last to find out about great New News especially when it comes to fun blog gadgets and such so I thought I'd pop in and tell you all the news... just in case you don't know yet!

New Linky Followers is here to save the day!

I have been a bit bummed over Google Friend Connect phasing out.
(from what I hear it will go bye bye in the beginning of March)

I admit, I like seeing that number and the faces of my friends everyday so Linky Followers makes me happy!

If you are already a follower of Tiaras and Bowties I urge you to follow using Linky Followers too!
You all mean the world to me (you really do) and I don't want to lose you.
Hop over to Linky Followers and get your free account!
C'mon back and follow Tiaras and Bowties again.

I will always follow back!
Just leave me a comment to let me know and I'll be over to follow you too!


  1. I followed you! Hope you can follow me in return!

  2. Following back!!! Thanks for you sweet comment too on the doll cabinet!


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!