
Thursday, September 8, 2011

TooT {TuTe} Thursday - Somebody's Watching Me!

Somebody's watching me today as I prepare Toot {TuTe} Thursday.
Ever feel like somebody's CReePily watching you? 
With this quick and easy mummy eyed treat jar for Halloween you will.

This project takes so little time and just a few items you probably already have in your craft stash.
I am still participating in the month long Stashbusting September Challenge (Click button in sidebar for more information).

All you need is a container of some sort.  I used a small glass salsa jar with the label removed.  Stips of cheesecloth, google eyes, 1 piece of white paper (any type), and Mod Podge.

First I coated the jar with my Mod Podge and tore my printer paper into strips and wrapped the glass.  This step simply is a base so you cannot see thru the jar.  Cheesecloth or gauze is very sheer and this first step simply allows you to use less cheescloth to get the same effect!

Next, using the MP as glue I stuck sets of google eyes randomly around the jar. 
As I stated earlier, this project is so fast as there is really no need to wait for any dry time, you want it to be wet with MP.
Starting anywhere, begin to wrap and twist 1/2 inch width lenths of the cheesecloth around and around the jar.

I used about 8-10 stips to achieve the depth I wanted.
When wrapping be sure to have the cheesecloth overlap the tops and bottoms of the google eyes.
Knot & Twist as you go allowing the frayed edges of your 'mummy' to show.

To finish I simply took a double layer of cheesecloth and added a simply knot bow to the top of the jar to finish the edge.  Add candy or a tea light and now you TOO will never feel alone!


  1. that is soooo cute! what a creative mummy you are! bwahahaha! love ya!

  2. What a cute idea! Love all the eyes! Thanks for leaving me a link!
    Happy crafting,
    PS sharing this on my FB page! ;)

  3. Oh, this is super cute!!! I might have to borrow this idea.

  4. I just posted on my blog about Halloween Decorations and I added a link to your Post! Super Cute!

  5. These would be so cute in a row up porch steps or along the porch! Nice job!

  6. That's really cool:)

    Now, there's something for you in my blog:) Go check it! Kiss

  7. Hi I'm a new follower from the Sunday Scoop Link Party! This is SO cute! I love Halloween!!

    I need to learn more about modge podge... so many people make adorable crafts with it and I don't know anything about it!

    Feel free to stop by!
    For Love of Cupcakes


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