
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sunny Front Door - Stashbuster

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Today was 'Back to School Day' here at the Sminkey household.  Alexis started her first day of high school today and Austin started 5th grade.  They were both excited yet anxious to see what the day had in store for them.  I have to admit I am one of those silly mommies who does not look forward to this day.  I kinda miss my kids!  I know, I know... yes I do look forward to the ability to have some ME time too!

I needed to turn this dreary (mentally and weather wise) day a bit brighter.  So I hit my little stash of faux flowers and headed for the front door.  Yes, I'm still trying to be good and bust through some craftie stash!

I've had this creamy white tin, which is quite large, on my creamy white door for some time now

I added some large creamy mums, yellow daisy like flowers, and some reddish brown faux eucalyptis for a sunny pop of fall color for the front door. 

Lastly, a ribbon wrapped and tied in a bow finished the look.

It certainly brightened my day a bit!


  1. that brightens everyones day! I have a victorian door pocket something like that and I love to cgange it up too!

  2. that's so cheerful and sunny! i warms up your front door sooo much! i can see why it made you happy! well done friend!

  3. I'm the same type of mom. I'm never ready for them to start school again. I can't begin to imagine how crazy I'll be when it's time to move out of the nest. I don't even want to think about it.. lol.

    I love the flower arrangement. Very cute!


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