
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Corney Halloween Decor - Stashbusting September

Hello Hello! 
We continue to clear out the last remanants of wetness from our basement, busting through my craft stash hasn't been as hard as I thought since most of it met the big green garbage truck this week.  BUT, don't you worry!  There's plenty of crap craft stash around here.  Every great craftaholic hoarder has many stashes, don't they?  And on a side note, we were able to salvage most of our precious photos as well, most have water damage but we worked hard at drying them out.  I will be working soon to scan all of them to a disc for SAFE keeping (thanks Andie).

I've been thinking forward (as you know) to fall and Halloween.  Figured since I lost alot of decor as well in the flood I needed to get crackin' on some new stuff.  With some left over thin wood and some paint (all on hand) I came up with this cute Corney Couple.

Just cut fun rounded triangular shapes from the wood.

Painted orange, yellow and white...colors blended where they meet.
Add fun little faces with some paint and a liner brush
and you have the cutest corniest little couple to welcome Halloween!

Hey, all you non-painters out there... you can do this too!  They would look adorable made from some really cute scrap book paper layers in a frame.  You could use sharpie markers to draw the faces on since they come in such fun colors now!

They are cute hanging with a picture hook on back, or tucked into flower pots as shown.
I'm thinking of doing a whole buncha corney candies to line my front walkway by attaching them to wood stakes in the ground!

It's not too late to join in on the Stashbusting September Fun!

Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Weekend...time to enjoy these last moments of summer and ready your hearts and homes for the upcoming fall season! Many thanks to all of my lovely bloggie friends, your support and kindness continues to amaze me!  Remember to Think Smink, and I'll see ya soon!


I'll be linkin up this week with some great parties...listed now in my footer!


  1. So cute! Am a new follower as I just loved these candy corns :) any fabric ideas? I spent so much time halloweening up my house last year that i'm not sure there is room for more, hihi!

  2. What a cute project! You are so talented! Thanks for linking up, have a great Labor Day weekend.

  3. Too cute, Kim! I dont cut wood . . yet but I might do some cardboard cutouts :p. You've inspired me!

  4. those are beyond cute!!! and you're so funny and sweet! glad that you will still be able to have your pictures :)

  5. Adorable! This would be a fun activity for the kids. Of course they wouldn't come out quite as cute as yours. :)

  6. hahaha I love these!
    I am hosting a link party going on right now. I'd love it if you came by & linked up!

    Chrissy @ ForMamas

  7. Love these! So cute. Thanks for linking up to Wickedly Crafty Saturdays with these! You were featured by the way! Post will hit at 8pm this evening. 9/9/11.

  8. i love these sooo much! i'm featuring you at my tip-toe thru tuesday party tomorrow!

  9. These are absolutely adorable! I really love the faces; they just look so cute! You have a real talent. :) I'm hosting a Fall Craft Challenge on my blog; this week's theme is centerpieces. I don't know that these guys are a centerpiece, per se, but you could still link them up. Or a centerpiece post...I'd love to have you stop by!

  10. These are so cute! I featured your project today as part of my Candy Corn Crafts feature. I'd love if you stopped by to take a look & grabbed my "Featured On" button.


  11. These are so cute! I love your idea of lining your walkway with them...that would be fun.


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