
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gift Bag Turned Wall Art - The Not So Functional Housewife

I am super psyched to have Angela from The Not So Functional Housewife here with us today!  She is uber talented and a super sweet bloggie friend.  I am thrilled to have her visit and share one of her newest tutes with me and all of you!  Be sure to stop by and say Hello to Angela, her blog is chock full of wonderful tutes, ideas and even a My Memories Scrapbook Software Giveaway running right now until September 23rd!   Thank you for sharing with us, Take it Away!

Hello, Tiaras and Bowties readers! I’m Angela from The Not So Functional Housewife. I’m a stay at home mom to two wonderful kiddos and wife to a very patient and supportive husband. I started my blog as a way to share the crafts that I make and to escape from my daily routine.

 I’m so excited that Kim asked me to do a guest post for her wonderful readers!

 I thought it would be fun to show you a project that I made for my daughter’s room so that you can make one too.

 I received an adorable gift bag with my Mother’s Day goodies in it. I instantly knew that I wanted to keep it and turn it into something. It was too cute to just throw away or let it be used to hold another present. I had to display it!

 Quite slowly, I have been making things for her room and will start working on my son’s room next. His is a bit tougher for me because it’s easier for me to make girly things.

 Here are a couple of the things that I’ve made for her:

 Let’s get started on turning a gift bag into wall art.

The supplies I used are:

* A 5.25” x 6” Shadow Box

* White Paint

* Double Sided Tape

* Thread

* Tissue Paper

* Two buttons

* A beautiful gift bag

* Scissors

* And my handy dandy glue gun

The first thing I did was take the glass out of the shadow box and paint it white. I didn’t worry about painting the inside because it’s going to be covered up.

 While it was drying, using the insert as a pattern, I cut the part of the gift bag that I wanted to show… down to size.

Once the shadow box was dry, I sanded it a bit to distress it. Then, I placed a couple of pieces of tape on the bag and pressed it into place.

Tissue Paper Flowers:

To make these little flowers, I used 6 pieces of tissue paper cut into approximately 3”x3” squares. For the small flower, it was approximately 2”x2” squares.

 After layering the pieces of tissue paper, I folded them in an accordion style. Tied a piece of string around the middle and cut the edges into a curve on both ends.

 Then, I gently pulled the layers apart to from the flowers.

 I glued the flowers in place using my hot glue gun and attached the buttons.
Cute and simple!

I even have enough of the gift bag left to make another one or use on a different project.

Thank you so much, Kim, for giving me the opportunity to share one of my projects with your readers!

I hope you enjoy making this project as much as I did!

Thanks so much Angela for sharing this beautiful piece of art with us!

1 comment:

  1. such a fun idea! glad to know that i'm not the only one who does this with gift bags!! i LOVE the picture frame best! what a personalized way to show off fave photos! off to check out angela's blog and giveaway!


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