
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It has Wings

As usual, things are pretty busy around here.  Been working on a few 'secret' projects, trying not to think about back to school, and wondering how to fit in a low cost day of fun for the kids - at a beach or water park before they do treck back.  I'm itching to share a few things but as I said they are 'secret' projects.  If I share them, they will not longer be 'secret' mmmkay?  I can tell you that one of them has wings. 

No, I'm not talking about the feathered hair extensions or accessories I spoke of yesterday as Alexis has once again said NO!  She will not be wearing those things in her hair... When I asked her what type of clothing she wants, her fashionable little mind informed me she wants 'collared shirts'.  Excuse me as I shed a tear... seems my little girl is no longer a dress wearing, bow donning princess.  But I love her anyway!

Since I cannot (yet) share my secret projects with you,  I figured I'd share another I've done that also has wings.

You all know everyone's favorite fairy from Neverland...
She is hand cut from 3/4 inch pine wood and hand painted with exquisite detail.
Just check her out... each piece has incredible shading and highlighting that is hard to find!
Tink seems as if she has just stepped out of her latest book or movie!

She is available in my Etsy store right now!
she would make a beautiful gift for your little fairy lover.
What child doesn't like to see their name personalized (free) on items that belong to them.


  1. Tinkerbelle is so cute! Thanks for linking up at Market Your Biz and Giveaways.

  2. THIS TINK is so darn cute, you have talent. Thanks for your visit too.

    ENJOY your evening. winks-jen

  3. This is adorable. You actually cut that piece of wood :O

    Saw your link on 'Homemaker on a Dime'. I am hosting my first Link-up party - Tea Time Thursdays. Would be glad to see some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see ya at the party :)

  4. I cannot believe you made this, I am in awe. Thanks so much for linking up to Freestyle Friday, this is gorgeous!!

    Adrianne at Happy Hour Projects

  5. I'm a little girl at heart (if not in body) but I love this Tink sign post! Just magical.

  6. Thanks for sharing this on my Wickedly Crafty Saturdays! Looking forward to seeing what you share for this week.

  7. Sweet tink! Thanks so much for linking to the Tuesday To Do Party!


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