
Thursday, August 4, 2011

TooT {TuTe} Thursday #2

Welcome back to the 2nd TooT {TuTe} Thursday!
My laptop decided it was NOT going to cooperate today, so I did not think I would be able to post.
After about 6 hours of fiddling and virus scans... I hope we've conquered the problem!
(The whole ordeal could've been a TuTe in itself)
How NOT to go into withdrawal from your laptop!

Please stop by my good friend Emily's blog where I'm guest posting today!

Emily graciously offered to help me 'make lemons into lemonade' by spreading the word about my new Etsy Shop
Emily has some really funtastic things going on over there...
Back to the TuTes...
I have a few cute little TuTes to feature from blogland this week so lets take a look.

How Joyful
Love this adorable repurposes top from How Joyful.

Copycat rug from J and J Home
You KNOW Ortie and I luv us some animal print...especially zebra.
I think I want me one of these... and now I know 'how to' thanks to this wonderful TuTe!

This is definately on my to do list!
Meijo's Joy created this spectacular peice of wall art from the most ordinary items most of us already have lying around the house!
It's incredible, so stop by Meijo's and show her some love for this winner!

Don't forget to stop and check out the new Etsy Store
Think Smink Art.
Remember,  get free domestic shipping on ALL items until the end of August using code


Thanks for TuTing with me!

1 comment:

  1. What awesome tutorials. Thanks so much for featuring my rug.


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