
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tip Toe and Features!

hello lovelies!!  Welcome to tip-toe thru tuesday co-hosted by myself, Andie from Crayon Freckles, and Christy from Christy's Cuties

The other day I wrote about the Pay it Forward project...about doing a little something nice for other people, there's still time to help me spread some joy... check it out {here} it wouldn't take much of your time!

thanks to everyone who linked up to last week's party!  there were 88 wonderful entries.  here are the toP 2 pOSts from last week plus one of mY faVEsdon't forget to check out Andie's fave and Christy's fave. if you're featured, grab a featured button from my button page!

PoST aNYtHiNG you've created (show me some etsy shops and giveaways!)

Feel free to share several posts

Link back to my page somewhere on your blog

I'd love to have you follow along but not required
I follow back too.

Stay around and check out a few other links. wE aLL LovE fEEdBaCK!

You can keep up with the T&B craziness by following along
GFC, Linky, FB, G+, Twitter and Pintrest too!
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Linking with these Fantastic blogs Here!

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