
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sweet Blast from Halloween Past!

Thought you may enjoy this sweet blast from Halloween past today!
 My son has been ill this week so I haven't been too creative or attentive here on the old blog but I miss you all!  This little candy corn couple from last year still brings a smile whenever I see them.

 I'll be back this week with some new stuff for you!

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  1. The candy corn couple is just adorable!!! I hope your kiddo is feeling better soon it is rough when kids don't feel good. We woke up this morning to a second dose of the flu going through our house this month, with 6 kids NOT FUN!! Have a great weekend!

  2. Hello Kim,
    It's good to meet you! Thank you for your visit and kind comment. Please stop by anytime sweet friend.

    I'm following along on your pretty blog as well. I'll be back often I can tell already.

    Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  3. Thanks for visiting and commenting at OneCreativeMommy. I've been browsing your fun site, and I like what I see! I hope you'll link some ideas up at One Creative Weekend on The party is open until Wednesday. Hope to see you there!


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