
Monday, October 22, 2012

This Post SUCKS!

This post really sucks... its does.
A new chapter has opened in our twisted fairy tale and I've been unable to find the words to share with you what is going on... so I'll just jump and hope the parachute opens...

My husband was diagnosed and admitted to the hospital with a very large tumor in his brain a week and a half ago. That same afternoon, he was diagnosed with a 2 inch mass in his lung.

The first biopsy was unsuccessful, so we can't be 100% sure it is cancer even though the Docs are sure it is... I'm praying for a miracle.

Time is not on our side... he has no more time to wait and the brain tumor will be removed tomorrow at 8am. It will then be biopsied. 

God willing he will make it through the risks... the tumor is ping pong ball sized and sits in his language communication center... we are frightened as he may lose his ability to speak or understand speech... losing all cognition.  We have placed this in God's hands and need prayer...

The kicker is... we have no health insurance like so many others...
The hospital is holding off billing us for all of their services as insurance paperwork is pending...
BUT the medications he will need will be many and costly...

If you find it in your heart to donate to Jim's Medical Fund, a fundraiser has been set up {Link below- Click crowdfunding until I can figure out why the widget is not showing up}.  Even just small amounts of $5 and $10 will add up so that when he makes it thru surgery I can bring him home. 


I'll write more soon to keep you updated and OH if you could share this I would be forever grateful.

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  1. Aw Kim I'm so sorry to hear this! prayers, and thinking of you guys!

  2. So sorry to hear this Kim. I will be sharing this on the blog. Prayers for you friend.

  3. I will be praying as well. Please keep us updated.

  4. Oh Kim - I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Praying for a healing for your husband!

  5. Oh, Kim I am so sorry to hear about your husband!! I wish I could give you a big hug right now! Your husband and your family are covered in prayer. I will add him to our pray list during our teacher devotion time in the morning! Praying for a miraculous healing and peace during the storm, precious friend!!! Stand firmly on Psalm 91. It's been my Rock. ((((HUGS)))

  6. Kimberly, I'm very sorry to hear the news. I wish you and your family a lot of strength and good results and a miracle recovery from all this!

  7. Oh Kim, my first visit to blogland for ages and I read your post. I am soo sorry. Sending you hugs and will be keeping you in my thoughts. xxx

  8. Kim, I'm so very sorry to hear about your husband. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. xoxo

  9. I am so sorry that your family is going through this horrible ordeal. I am praying for you all. I know how hard it is!

  10. Kim,
    I am so sorry to hear this scary news you have found out! I know from experience these times can be stressful and scary despite the strongest faith! I am covering your family in prayer, for healing and strength! I will be sharing with on my pages to help with your donations! Sending you big hugs!


  11. Oh Kimberly, My heart goes out to you and your family. I will be praying and I will talk to my husband about supporting you. Stay strong. There are many people who love you and will carry you through.


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