
Thursday, October 25, 2012

A rough morning

This morning has been rough.

Jim's surgery was postponed til next Wednesday, which is Halloween Day.  Great way to ruin a holiday for the kids huh?  Not much we can do about that though... that darn tumor must come out!

When Jim was diagnosed 2 weeks ago now, he was placed on a hefty dose of steroids to shrink swelling in the brain and slow the growth of the tumor.  That med is both a blessing and a curse though as it has shot his blood sugar thru the roof and causing a bad case of thrush in his mouth and throat.  Surgery was then postponed because he cannot be intubated until that clears.  We will meet with our Doctor today to see about getting him on insulin shots as the pill he takes to lower sugars is not working.  He cannot have the sugery until the sugars are under control as well.

Our children have been holding up pretty well, although their anxieties are starting to take over.  My youngest does not want to go to school and cries every morning... which is ultimatley breaking my heart and causing even more stress.  It's so hard to know how to handle him... as my own anxiety is hard to handle.  Right now, my legs feel like jelly and my body is trembling.  The thought that my child is feeling the same way is horrid. 

I have so much to say... to share with you... it's just so hard.  As I sit here I find it's too hard to open up and let the emotion flow.  I will post frequent updates as I can and I'm still trying to get through many many emails, so if I haven't gotten to you yet, please know I am trying.

A fundraiser has been set up to help us provide the meds Jim needs until insurance comes thru, a link to that is in the upper right hand corner if you would like to help in any way. 

Much Love to you all... hug your loved ones today.  

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  1. oh sweetie...words can't express all i'm thinking right now. i just pray that God will give you all strength and peace right now. wish i was closer so i could do more. love you.

  2. Oh Kim! I'm so sorry. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us up to date as you can! [[[BIG HUGS]]] <3

  3. I am just checking on you! Praying for you and your family!! I have been thinking about you so much! HUGE HUGS

  4. I just saw this post... I hope that your husband has been able to have the surgery and is well on his way to healing! My prayers go out to your husband, you, and your children! Big hugs sent your way!

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