
Monday, July 2, 2012

A Sweet 16!

It is on days like today I experience the greatest joy a mother can feel.

It is on days like today that I remember the greatest sorrows a mother can endure.

Today, Alexis {Boom} has turned 16!

My friends, I'd like to treat you to a few 'photos from the past'.  I warn, my photography & scrapbooking skills lack a certain jena say qua and the fashions {especially my glasses} may generate a fit of giggles... just be nice, sit back and remember with me! 

Born into the world at 10:34 pm July 2nd by emergency C-Section weighing just 6 pounds 12 ounces
She seemed to the world healthy... which was a shock... we knew at my 7th  month something was not right...  She entered the NICU at midnight for lack of breathing and the tests began!

That was our little miracle... just 4 days old... her birth was such a whirlwind of unknown so not many photos were take unfortunately.  I cherish those I do have!

The day my angel came home to start her life with Mommy and Daddy.  A very happy day yet scarey beyond belief... remember, Alexis basically died 3 times between 6 and 9 weeks and was trached due to reasons 'unknown'...{we are waiting the approval of insurance to have a genetic blood test ran because 16 years later we may have found the answer!  CCHS}  Tubes, buttons, screetching monitors and 16 hour nursing, we were so very blessed to have her where she belonged, safe in our arms.

My girl did very well at home,  there were of course many many bumps in our road!
in true Boom form,
she ended up back in the hospital on the eve of her 1st Birthday, close to death, diagnosed with a rare syndrom called Albright's Hereditary Osteodystophy.

Her Calcium levels had dropped so low, the Docs said she would not have made it til morning!

Let's just say... we had one HECK of a party for this little doll!

Bet you can't tell how much luv has been showered on this little kid!

It truely brings tears to my eyes as I look back at these pics...

She had and still has that fantastic smile!  Her laughter can still cause a chain reaction to an entire room... those eyes still sparkle with such a light...

I know there is a God, I see Him in my daughter's twinkling eyes! 

Just a few things I'd like to share...

*There is still time to enter the Ramsign Giveaway values at up to $99!  Just hop to this post here.

*Stop by my other blog, Never Lose Your Sparkle to read the touching story from Julie at High Hill Home School about her daughter's diagnosis of Leukemia.

*Tip Toe Thur Tuesday will be taking a vacation until next week, enjoy your Holiday!
Linking with these Fantastic blogs Here!


  1. love love these pictures they say a thousand words

  2. Can't believe she's 16 that's awesome. Happy birthday Alexis!

  3. Aw Happy Birthday gorgeous girl. How totally awesome are those photos? Just love them xxxx Nat

  4. what a blessing Alexis is to the world. God has an amazing plan for her and that smile! Happy Birthday Alexis!


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