
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Do you have Comparison Syndrome?

My word, if I only had a brain... I'd be dangerous!

Please Please Please take a moment to pop over to Crayon Freckles Blog... I have hijacked Andie's blog today with a Mom & Boom post you won't want to miss, especially if you have children!  IWhen working with {or mothering in my case} a child with cognitive delays it's easy at times to get caught up in what I call 'comparison syndrome'.   Do you have it? 

"When working with {or mothering in my case} a child with cognitive delays it's easy at times to get caught up in what I call 'comparison syndrome'. Comparing your child's abilities to another's in an effort to mark milestones. I do it, you do it, regardless of our child's age or level of ability. It's something we all do as humans without much thought or awareness. So much of our lives are achievement based whether we realize it or not. It starts early as our children are measured by an apgar score at birth, we are measured, scored and graded as we enter our academic careers beginning in Kindergarten, our abilities are measured in our adult lives in jobs and in parenting... "

Meet me over at Crayon Freckles to find Freedom from Comparison thru Art!

Linking with these Fantastic blogs Here!

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