
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Never Dull your Sparkle painted sign

The sentiment, "Never Lose Your Sparkle" has special meaning to me as the mom of a child with multiple medical and special needs... over the years I have watched my daughter's 'sparkle' dull with each insensitive word spoken, each taunt, each tease, each and every daily 'happening' that reminds her she is in a sense 'different' from others. My mission has been and always will be to keep that Sparkle bright! No child should ever allow anyone to dull their sparkle- they are all beautifully and wonderfully made individuals with a purpose and a heart...

This sign was handpainted on wood slats left over from the supports of  an Ikea bed believe it or not!
5 of the slats were fastened togeather in the back and hand painted a pretty bright pink.  The covered in a creamy bright white and distressed to allow the pink to peep thru!

My favorite sentiment "Never let anyone, ever... dull your Sparkle " was handpainted on the sign in a rich chocolate brown. 

The word 'Sparkle" is handpainted in a more scripted font in bright pink and glittered! 
Luv luv luv it!  Sorry, it was hard to capture the shine in the photos.

For more information on 'Never Lose Your Sparkle" please visit my other blog.  If you'd like to help in some way via a crafty idea or offer some advice or to donate an item, please contact me or leave a comment below!

Linking with these Fantastic blogs Here!


  1. I love the sign Kim and I think it should apply to absolutely everyone!

  2. This is adorable! And of course I adore the PINK and the sentiment! Great job! Thanks so much for joining in the under 300 followers blog hop!
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  3. So cute---found you via the Pinkapotamus blog hop!!!


  4. how did i miss this post? that is sooo gorgeous! is it going in her room?

  5. Kimberly

    I not only loved your beautiful sign, but I was very moved by the story behind it.

    Thank you so very much for sharing this at Inspire Me Monday. I have featured you, BOTH of your blogs and this post ad my Inspiration of the Week at

    Create With Joy

  6. LOVE your sign! I too am the parent of a special needs child (and he is a child even if he is 28). These are words that we can all live by!

  7. Love this sign! Great job! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.



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