
Friday, July 6, 2012

Looking Back...

I was looking back at some old photos recently, my parents have just celebrated another Wedding Anniversary... their 52nd!  I start to laugh when I think of spending over 50 years with dear hubby... just seems like such an incredible feat! 

My sister and I held a big bash for them 2 years back on their 50th- can't believe it's been that long ago. 

The old black and white photos of their wedding were fantastic.  It reminds me of when I was a little girl, thumbing through their album... asking why only 1 or 2 were in color. 

The photo below was scanned and altered to create the front of the party invite...
just love the old car and them looking through the back window!

Mom's "Rainbow" theme and her wedding party!  So retro chic.

Mom was so proud of that dress... as little girls we loved to get a peek at it in the dress bag she kept it hidden in.  Her beautiful crown was full of sparkly crystals and is still just as beautiful today.

Both my sister and I carried her small lace covered bible under our flowers as we took that walk down the isle... recently my cousin also carried it as her something borrowed... It's a bit tattered and worn but the sentimental value is irreplaceable!

My father, so handsome and chic... Now that the hands of time are wrapping around him stealing his strength, energy and mind... I will treasure these old photos portraying his vibrancy and youth!

Happy Anniversary Mom and Daddy!

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  1. Happy Anniversary! 50 years is such a miracle in today's world! Something I work for everyday! We have a long ways to go (28 more years).... I pray we can some day celebrate as you are today!!!! Congratulations and let the next 50 be just as fun!!!!

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