
Sunday, July 22, 2012

I always feel as though I'm MIA more often than not...   this week has been one of stomach bugs for all, high fevers for Awesome, and Vertigo for Mommy.  This week has also been so much FuN!

Last weekend, I turned 21... Oh I mean, 41 {a girl can dream, right?} and we got outta dodge for the day... a BeaCH DaY - at the Jersey Shore!

It was rainy and dreary but we decided to take a chance... we set out on the 2 hour drive.  We only heard a few ' are we there' yets!

We were so thankful that the minute we stepped out of the car, it stopped raining!  The sky was a bit overcast, but was a welcome buffer to the Hot HoT Sun!

Water, sand, peace.  Just what the Doctor ordered!

Boom found a new friend on the boardwalk that night... Hermina the Crab!  Man we are stuck in a hot pink way of life lately!  By the Way... Boom is just super HoT, not sunburned... don't worry I'm a sunblock momma!

Stick around this week for some more Pink Fun!  Boom's Sweet 16 party was this weekend and I'll be sharing some photos!  You may have seen a sneak peek if you follow T&B on FB...

Linking with these Fantastic blogs Here!

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1 comment:

  1. looks like you guys had a fun time! the jersey shore... that sounds so great and relaxing! i want to go sometime, but just to see if people in jersey are really like they are in jerseylicious :)


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