
Friday, April 20, 2012

Trashy Fire Pit

This one is for the hubster!

Hubs has been wanting a fire pit for the longest time, but not being a necessity... wasn't happening.
best wife ever found this beauty headed for the dump!
I know what you're thinking!
Why would anyone want to just dump such a great piece of lawn decor, RiGht?
Yea, well hubster didn't agree either,
I introduced him to a little can of whoop butt I know.
Rust-oleum Specialty High Heat Ultra Spray in Black Gloss.

Rusty, ugly little fire pit
a half hour of cleaning and 1 can of spray...

Countless hours of family FuN!


 togetherness... and more smores, yummm!

Thanks Rust-oleum!

           {this is not a sponsored post BTW, just sharing another trash to treasure with you!}

Don't forget to pop over here and link up what you've been working on this week!  Can't wait to see!


  1. Nice work Kimberley! Thanks for the tip about the paint too...I scored almost exact same fire pit in a yard sale last year and it could do with a little lurv!

  2. Hey, the "before" looks like my fire pit...Not for LONG! Thanks!!

  3. oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh! i can't even believe that it's the same one! i want! really want one, but can spend the $60 for one.

  4. Amazing find and many family memories to come! Rust-oleum is awesome!

  5. That's awesome! The after looks amazing! And a great steal! -Jessica

  6. Yesss!!!!!!!!!! Feels GOOD to prove Hubbs wrong, eh?!!! :)

  7. I find my man can't see the potential in things like that either! He's in for a shock when I move in, I'm excited to have a garage, yard and power tools for furniture remodels! lol

  8. Woohoo - that is one serious-looking fire in there. How fabulous. Amazing what a little facelift can do huh. :) Thanks for sharing at our party this week.

  9. Did you paint the inside too.. cant tell in the photo... what did you use to clean.. wire wool ?

  10. What a great way to save some money and also keep that pit from ending up in the landfill when it still had some life left in it :) My sister and I both have one, and love making s'mores with our young teens. Now we know how to revitalize it when it gets rusty from sitting out through our long winter.

  11. Looks great and you will get so much enjoyment out of it!

  12. I so need to do this--ours is just as rusty as yours looked! My hubby would be surprised! I wonder if the high heat comes in any other colors! I think it would be fun to give it a color!

  13. This is awesome! Totally trash to treasure :) And s'mores...yum!

  14. What a great idea. We have been thinking of getting an outdoor fire pit now that the kids are older. We think it would be a great idea for those summer nights when we aren't camping. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful tip.

  15. I really thought you were gonna make a planter out of it but I LOVE IT!!!

    Angela (from NJ)


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