
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

tip-toe thru tuesday time!

hello lovelies!!  in case you haven't heard already, tip-toe thru tuesday is now co-hosted by myself and Andie from Crayon Freckles!  here's the new button for the party!


here are the toP 2 pOSts from last week plus one of mY faVEs.  don't forget to check out Andie's Favorite over at Crayon Freckles.  if you're featured, grab a fEAtuRed button from my button page!

Reinventing a Sewing Machine from A Girl and a Brush
I'd love it if you followed Tiaras and Bowties!  You can find me on GFC, Linky Followeres, FB, and Google+!  I have a BiG suprise coming up for you next week, a few of my favorite things for Mother's DAy!  Follow along so you don't miss it!

now, it's time to party!!

PoST aNYtHiNG you've created (show me some etsy shops and giveaways!)

Feel free to share several posts

Link back to my page somewhere on your blog

Stay around and check out a few other links. wE aLL LovE fEEdBaCK!

1 comment:

  1. Nice features. I am your newest linker and follower. Thank you for hosting.


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!