Thursday, March 1, 2012

Inspirational Candle - Using Graphique!

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The other day I told you about the great news, a Dollar Tree has opened only 2 blocks from my house!

Yippee for Me!
Not so yippee for my purse but that's a whole other story.
Have you ever only spent a dollar in the dollar store?

Today I'm sharing an inspirational candle I whipped up using, you guessed it... a $ store candle!

Last week while persusing Etsy I happened upon a shop called Graphique.
Graphique has the most gorgeous digital download images.
I am a painter at heart but lately I've fallen hard for vintage and french typography and images found on pillows, tea towels, jewelry, and crafts all over blogland.

As usual, I had Alexis (boom boom) on the brain and her upcoming Sweet 16 this summer (we'll discuss that later...mmmkay?)  fell hard in love with a sweet sentimental image and just had to purchase it!

You may remember back here when I mentioned crafting with a purpose to lift self esteem.

Well here ya go... An Inspirational Candle!
(not that I really want her playing with flames, but it's pretty to look at)

I started out by shrinking and printing the image onto a piece of tissue paper.  I was afraid it would jam in the printer, but I had no issues.  I simply taped it down to a piece of cardstock and printed.

Since I planned on Mod Podging the image to the glass,  I took it outside and sprayed over the image with a crystal clear sealer since water (or mod podge) and ink jet ink do not mix!  This step kept the ink from running all over the place.

I simply covered the dollar store glass candle with white strips of tissue paper which I ripped oh so carefully and slapped on with the glue, wrinkles and all, I like the wrinkles!

I ripped the tissue carefully around the sealed Graphique image, centered it, and decoupaged it on.
I wanted to add some subtle bling and grabbed my glitter.
*hint - be careful not to leave the lid off the glitter while you reach around your messy workspace looking for something to glitter into... or you  may have a glittery mess on your hands...

I finished off out candle with some twine I also picked up at the dollar store to add a bit of 'old' rustic charm.
Just wrapped and tied it off above and below the graphic.

Not too bad if I may say so.  A powerful sentiment in a beautiful vintage looking way all for under $3!

What about you?  Do you have a craft idea to share with us here at Tiaras and Bowties meant to inspire?
Email me... I'd love to see it and feature it here!

Have a Beautiful Day!

PlaCes I PaRTy! Do you have a link party on your blog and want some more company, drop me a line and I'll be over! Mondays: Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill Make it Monday @ Brassy Apple Craftomaniac Monday @ CraftOManiac The More the Merrier Monday @ DIY Home Sweet Home Weekend Warrior Monday @ Ask Anna Polly Want to Party Monday @ Polly Want a Crafter Tuesdays: Tip Toe Thru Tuesday @ Crayon Freckles A Diamond in the Stuff Tuesday To Do Party @ The Blackberry Vine Tell Me Tuesday @ Me and My Boys Tip Me Tuesday @ Tip Junkie Tuesday Time Out @ Reasons to Skip the Housework Show and Share @ Lil Pink Pocket Will Craft For... @ Trophy Wife Wednesdays: Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims Whatever Goes Wednesday @ Someday Crafts Linkin' With Lil' Luna @ Lil' Luna Mrs. Fox's Sweet Party @ Mrs. Fox's Sweets Frog Blog Love @ Kissed by a Frog Create and Share @ The Trendy Treehouse Thursdays: Link it up Thursday @ These Peas Taste Funny Crafty Scrappy Happy Thursday @ Crafty Scrappy Happy Crazy Cute Thursday @ Between U & Me Thinga Majig Thursday @ Radcrafter Fridays: Flaunt it Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring Freestyle Fridays @ Happy Hour Projects Simply Creations Friday @ My Simple Home Life Feature Yourself Fridays @ Fingerprints on the Fridge Party Mindy Style @ Bacon Time with the Hungy Hypo Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home Saturdays: Saturday Spendour @ Meg and Mum's Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors Cherished Treasures @ Cherished Treasures Whatcha Got Weekend @ Lolly Jane Shindig Saturday @ Kim's Kandy Kreations Weekend Showoff Party @ Ladybird Lane Sundays: Just Something I Whipped Up @ The Girl Creative Sundae Scoop @ I Heart Naptime Sunday Showcase Party @ Under the Table and Dreaming Not Baaad Sundays @ Lamb Around Monthly challenges or Other Link Ups!: Valentine's Day Decorating Challenge @ Foods Sri Lanka


Andie Jaye said...

that turned out so gorgeous! that quote is perfect! definitely something that rings true to me! email me when her birthday is :)

Marisa said...

I really like it and it would make a great gift. I'm also a new follower. I found you throug Tiaras and Bowties. Have a great day.

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