
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fruit Stand Rescue

When I pulled into the drive thru of my local Swiss Farms store, I saw him standing there by the dumpster.  My heart began to flutter at his sturdy rawness...Oh, the pure potential I saw in him.  I had to have him!

With nervous anticipation, I asked the workers if the were throwing him away.  I'm almost positive that my face was fire engine red as they explained that he was indeed headed for the trash; flushed because of the embarrassment I probably should have felt at the glaring 'crazy lady' looks I received.  I didn't care... he had to be mine. So begins the tale of the banana hammock rescue.

Yes, ladies... he is a banana hammock!  I know, I know.  I too can hardly contain the giggles that bubble up when I refer to him as 'The Banana Hammock"!  So for the sake of pretending we are all adults and not giddy school girls, I will from here on out refer to him as the "fruit stand".

When I first laid eyes on him, I envisioned an antiqued and distressed white coat of paint with a  beautiful graphic or some fancy scroll work on the front of each bucket shelf.  After getting him home and removing the top broken bucket shelf, I questioned whether he would look better in all his raw woodiness with a darker chocolaty stain.  I've been working on not second guessing my every decision (which leaves me frustrated and frozen and without alot of finished projects) so I went with my first vision.  After 2 coats of Sherwin William's White Dove paint I headed over to the Graphics Fairy for a lookie loo at her free graphics.  Been a fan of her site like 4-eva.  This is my first shot at using her graphics cause I'm kinda like a toddler who gets too many choices as to what to have for lunch;  I have a hard time making my decision and usually fall asleep with my face in the peas...

I did settle on 3 images.  It only took me 3 days to decide, but I did.  One for each bucket shelf.

This French typography was transferred with some transfer paper and a pencil to the middle bucket and hand painted in black paint.

The other 2 shelves were hand painted with 2 beautiful scroll options found at the Graphics Fairy also.

With a black Sharpie, I went in and drew in the more fancy line work on the Fabrique De Serrrurerie type.

My boy was antiqued with a glaze I whipped up with a dark chocolate acrylic and some water.  The glaze was applied sparingly with a brush and worked into the crevices and corners.

All in all, I am extremely pleased with how well he cleaned up.  Many thanks go to the graphics fairy for allowing us to use her beautiful images.  Now the hard part is figuring out exactly what I am going to use him for!  The ideas are overwhelming, bookshelf, towel holder, craft storage, plant holder.... too many choices to decide!  Guess you'll just have to come back over to see how I finally put this big guy to work!

I will be linking to these lovely parties listed here :
(list is fully updated at this time)


  1. I love it! You completely transformed it into a beautiful piece. It would look great no matter how you use it. Great job!

  2. wow! you're fast! how lovely would he look in the bathroom holding some towels, bath salts, decorating magazines? love him. want him. well done, my friend.

  3. hiya great transformation love the colour and the G.F. images just make it special . i was laughing to myself when you said your face was prob bright red asking for if the stand was going in the trash i would have been the same but sure look at you now bragging on your free fruit stand ;) us crafters are just crazy !

  4. Lovely! You were so lucky to find it, but it is about seeing potential in all things, isn't it?

  5. What a lucky find! Your paint and graphics, was an amazing choice! Good work.

  6. So mad at my computer right now it will not let me see all the pictures you posted. This thing hates me. But the pictures I could see it looks awesome!

  7. Oh, this is so cute! I love how it turned out with the beautiful graphics on the sides of the bins. Great job!

  8. This is am amazing transformation! I love it! Your graphics look wonderful! I'm now following on Linky Follower!

  9. Oh my word how amazing!! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing on Show off Saturday!

  10. What an amazing looks fantastic. Beautifully done! TFS. I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to return visits. I invite you to join me as well on my blog at
    Hugs, Gayle.

  11. wow it looks amazing, i would love for you to link up at my new party at

  12. Amazing find AND a fab transformation...LOVE it!

  13. I LOVE your banana hammock! It's been a good thing that you rescued it and gave it such a wonderful makeover. I think I have to look out for one too. It would be just perfect to store some fabrics or my laces.
    Have a great week!

  14. This is really neat, way to see the beauty in it! Visiting via Creative Bloggers' Party and Hop

  15. stunning transformation!!:))


  16. WOW! Great transformation! I would love for you stop by and link up at my linky party via:

    Mrs. Delightful

  17. Good save! You should not feel embarassed of giving something a new life!! And what happened to the 4th bucket, had to trim it down I suppose? I think it would look fabulous in the bathroom for extra towels and such :)

  18. That was an awesome find! You did an amazing job getting it in working order.

  19. That looks fantastic! Good for you for seeing that this could be saved. Great images you did. I'd love this in a bathroom to hold hand towels, washcloths, maybe some pretty soaps. Nice job!

  20. That is soooo pretty! Lucky you for finding such great trash!

  21. You're lucky I'm not one of your neighbors, cuz that baby would be finding it's way to MY house! LOL! I don't think you could have done that any better.

    I'm now a Linky Follower!

  22. I love love love it. What a great find. I am your newest linky follower! Great job!!

  23. This turned out wonderful! It will be such a versatile piece for you!

  24. Amazing transformation. I need to hang by dumpsters more.

  25. What a fantastic find! You did a great job fixing it up, but the find itself was awesome!

  26. This is gorgeous!!! I love the way it turned out! So pretty! I am a new follower.
    I currently have a link party going and would love for you to link this up and anything else you would like!

  27. this is great I would love to have one of these you did a great job with the fix up, such a great idea. I am having a link party today and would love to have you link up

  28. Wow, I can't believe that is the same piece. You did a wonderful transformation on this. I'm so glad you shared at our party.

  29. This fruit stand turned out so cute - love it!

  30. Wow--this is a fantastic transformation. TFS!

  31. OMG - the transformation is unbelievable! I don't think I've ever seen a banana hammock before! Thanks for linking up at Sunday Blog Love. your one of my top five picks this week! Wishing you and your family a wonderful weekend!

  32. What an AWESOME snag! Love the way you transformed it!!

  33. Found you on the Tattered Tag and just love this project! Awesome job! I also pinned it!

  34. Kimberly~

    Your fruit stand rescue is wonderfully inspiring! Thank you for linking to my {k.i.s.s.} blog bash, your are a {favorite feature}. Please be sure & link up again this week.


    Drop by & Visit {The Tattered Tag}

  35. What a great rescue! Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  36. what a PERFECT up-cycle! Thank you so much for sharing!!
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  37. Saw this over at Power of Paint- what a great find! I love Graphics Fairy, good pick on the graphics. :)

  38. Your fruit stand project has been featured for Functional Friday!

    Thanks for linking up at the party!


  39. Oh yes, I would have done exactly the same. I have no shame at all about seizing such great opportunities. I would have been puffed with pride and excited at the lovely find and its potential.

    I could easily see the banana cradle as a plant stand, but I would perhaps use it to store supplies in my forthcoming studio.

    Looking forward to seeing how you will be using this frenchified piece.

  40. You are too hilarious for words girl! LOL And I just love what you did with the "fruit stand"! What a great job! I was glad to hear that I'm not the only one who tries not to second guess herself and ends up with many half completed projects! LOL You have a new fan!


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