
Monday, January 9, 2012

In Her Shoes

Good Morning Friends both new and old!

Ever read blogs and wonder a bit about the person behind the scenes?  I do.  I have been following a series called in {her} shoes by my great friend Andie over at Crayon Freckles since she began spotlighting some terrific bloggers.  Every Monday a featured lovlie shares a fascinating taste of what life is like in {her} shoes.  Oh Boy! There are some truely interesting people out there (behind the scenes).

Today I am guest posting at Crayon Freckles with a taste of life in {my} shoes!  I'd love for you to stop by and read some of my story... my twisted fairy tale as I refer to it.  Some of you may know by now that I am the mommy of a special needs daughter, many of you new to Think Smink may not.  Here's your chance to get to know me and some of my struggles as a Mommy, wife, daughter in law, and blogger! 

One of my goals this New Year is to open up a bit about those challenges I face.  It's not all fairy tale here... many of you may relate.  2012 for myself and my family is a year for change.  The biggest change I am praying for in my famiy is the ability to just embrace differences and love yourself as you are!  I am hoping that you will follow along, perhaps join in with a few tidbits of advice and guest posts related to this goal!  As soon as we can rid our home of stomach virus's and cold bugs I'll be back to get a jump start on it all! 

For now, please hop over to Crayon Freckles to read my story... visit a few others while you are there, you'll be glad you did!

1 comment:

I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!