
Friday, January 6, 2012

Fresh Starts!

I already told ya that there were no resolutions made here this year, but that doesn't mean I'm not influenced by the organizing bug!  My clean outs started the week of Christmas break for some unknown reason (wink wink).  5 bags of outgrown clothing were ripped from jam packed closets and storage bins (sadly most of the outgrown clothing was mine!  boo hoo hoo) and headed to the GW.  Along with countless other little doo dads that I could box and lug... That which I could no longer hold onto or lug to the GW made it's way to the curb which I am happy to say, most were snatched up and found new homes during the night! (I'm sure the neighbors thought there must have been an episode of Hoarders shot secretly here)

Welcome to my humble Christmas Crazed home... I wanted to open the doors and give you a sneak peek into our world here.  Figured I'd just bite the bullet and share my "so NOT staged home" with my friends.
The following photos are proof positive of why I needed to get going with the clean up process!  It may not be pretty and I warn: those turned off by clutter and drop ceilings (???) should avert their!

Yikes!  Yes, that's me... double chin and all! 

The Boom Boom Girl, Alexis in her morning splendor!

Awesome Austin ripped through presents at lightening speed!

Alexis playing 'Just Dance 3'... she cracks me up!
You get the full sense of clutter filled in this one!

My Ornery Ortie,  helping mommy wrap on Christmas Eve!

2 happy stinkers after getting their ears pierced on a whim!

All in all we had one of the best Christmas Vacations ever!
Oh and if you are still here... thanks for taking a moment to share in our crazy but happy mess!

Think Smink is looking for some guest bloggers!
If you're interested, just give me a shout.
Little blogs are welcome and encouraged!  I'd love to help spread the word!

1 comment:

I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!