
Friday, July 22, 2011

happy FRY-day!

It is Friday... and the temps are really FrYing hot from this heat wave that has gripped most of our country!  My brain feels fried as well!

I've been inside, messing up my dining room today working on a few paint projects that I'm behind on. 
As well as some new items to stock my Zibbet shop
like this Pink Daisy Growth Chart.

 I was wonderfully suprised to find my pink daisy footstool has been featured here,

Confessions of a SAHM

A MOST gracious thank you to
 Confessions of a Stay at Home Mommy
I will wear it proudly!

The kids and I are just trying to chill...literally!
Figured I'd share a few photos with you today...

so grab a lemonade and chill-ax a while.

My EvER Faithful canine babies...
The BIG Girl (in white) Stasha -  she will be 13 this September and is starting to go blind, BuT she is such a cuddly luver girl.  Her knickname is Stasha Stoodle Butt... go figure?

OrTOn, my assistant (you remember Ortie don't you?) The little black long haired Chihuahua.  He is just so bad... He has an issue with hiding flip flops, socks, dryer sheets,
 and even flash lights under the love seat.
Like his Momma, he is addicted to sweets... ring pops and freeze pops to be exact!

My kids... Alexis and Austin on a Mountain Top in Roanoke VA.
Our vaca was nice,
Check out that view!

 Another spectacular view from our motel room in Virginia...
Purgatory Mountain.

And our 'love what ya got' pool, where I believe we are headed just about now!
Believe it or not... if you get on that raft and just close your eyes, you can make believe you are on some beautiful tropical island, lounging poolside.
I can almost hear the waves crashing...

Stay cool chickies!


  1. Sorry for the heat wave there. Thank God for your pool!! Luckily we are having rain storms and overcast days here. Stay cool!!

  2. We are still waiting for an opportunity to go to a pool... Summer in Portugal is LATE!


  3. way to go on your feature!!! it's so validating, isn't it?? your furry babies are sooo cute! buy your kiddos are cuter! austin is gonna break some hearts and alexis's smile lights up the room!

  4. Hi: Thank you for becoming my new follower. I look forward to getting to know you. Your children are beautiful. Try to stay cool, I know it is hard. Saying a prayer for you, dear one. Blessings, Martha

  5. Great photos, Kim! Especially of the kids -- they look so happy! Glad you had a nice time on your vacation. And if it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one... we have it hot here too in CT. I hate 90-degree weather! :(
    Stay cool!


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