
About the Author

Hello lovely one!
Considering you are here... perhaps you'd like to know a little about me?
I am Kim, owner and writer of this little blog, Tiaras and Bowties and the creative force behind Kimberly Sminkey Designs on Etsy.
I am the crafty queen of my castle simply painting, DIY'ing, and living the Fairy Tale.
You know, the one where the princess meets the handsome prince, falls madly in love,has 2 children-
 one of which {my daughter} has a rare genetic syndrome and is a medically and intellectually complex- special needs child.  The other, {my son} has dreams of Pro Baseball.
We are renting a castle in the burbs til we can afford the one of our dreams,
struggling to get by, make ends meet and living happily ever after!
You know that one right?
Tiaras and Bowties, is the place I like to share my life with you.
I had once given up on having the fairy tale book life.
But through the years, I'm learning to re-write the story- creating my own chapters!
T and B is for the Whole Woman...
Self Worth and Self Esteem boosters
Healthy Tips
I am also head of Little Speak with the non profit organization, Speak Now so you will find me over there a few Sundays a month sharing ideas and resources for empowering young women, in hopes that you never ever allow anyone to dull your 'Sparkle".
No one should ever feel they walk alone!


I'd love to hear from you, feel free to drop a line!

What ever you do today, whatever you make...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim I need you to stop by at LOL! You will know why soon!


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!