
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Work Hard, Play Hard...

My little Big Man just left for a day at the Little League World Series!  Despite the fact that his first practice for Fall Baseball is tonight and they would be returning very late causing him to miss practice, his face was on fire with excitement after being invited to go with his friend's family today... how could a Momma say 'No"?  My first instinct was to say no though; if you are a baseball family, then you understand the importance of being a 'Team Player" and being 'there' for your team so I did not want to set the tone of skipping practice... especially on the first night! 

This invite came on the heels of the beginning of a room re-do for the little big guy... I'm thinking old school baseball/sport theme, and had just finished painting this word art sign for his room:

Work Hard Play Hard   Wall Word Quote Art Hand Painted and Distressed on Pine

"Work hard, Play hard... or go home" - not exactly an original quote {I know} but a quote worth knowing in my book.  As my kids grow, it's important for me to instill within them a strong work ethic, not just in sports, but in life as well.  I want them to understand the idea of working for what you want in life... giving whatever you do, everything you have.  I want them to be the type of people who do not expect the world handed to them on a platter.  Little Big Man hopes someday to play Pro Baseball and I pray that his dreams come true... but, Mr Man also tends to think that things will just happen.  Hence, the work hard reminder. 

Work Hard Play Hard   Wall Word Quote Art Hand Painted and Distressed on Pine

Having just finished this piece a few days ago... the "Play Hard" part of it bounced around my head; even as an adult I know the importance of balancing work and play... all work is NO FunnO!
So, I let him forgo his first practice tonight... sorry team.  I want my man to go and have some fun today watching those young boys play their little hearts out at the Little League World Series in hopes that it will renew his spirit and in a very tangible way show him that hard work does pay off.

"Work Hard, Play Hard... or go home" is available in your choice of colors in my Etsy Shop.
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  1. Oh, you know I'm loving these! That is adorable, especially with the baseball. :) Visiting from your awesome party.

  2. Great sign! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!


  3. Aw, this is really cute!

    Thanks for sharing on the All Star Block Party!

  4. I'm so glad that I'm following you! You did a great job on that sign. Thanks for posting on the All Star Block Party!


  5. Super cute! A perfect quote to live by and a great way for a daily reminder! Thanks for sharing at Between U & Me!


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