
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Speak Now!

a young girl sits anxiously waiting for things to be different.
gazing out a window she watches life passing her by.
she has friends yet she feels less than.
Oh how she dreams of one day being something special... something stellar, epic even.
but for today she waits.
she has a gift, a talent, that not all possess,
she carefully holds it in her back pocket for in some way she has chosen to believe it is not
good enough.
'you are such a pretty girl... if only you'd lose some of that weight'
resounds her being and haunts her days as she believes them.
when courage rears it's mighty head, she announces great plans...
'you can't do that'
again deflated by those who choose to hold her back, to deflate her dreams, to quiet her soul.
So much time wasted, a soul pervaded by her own misconceptions of worthiness.

That young girl was ME my friend some 25 years ago.
Remnants of those days still creep up from a dark pit within me.
But today I know my worth, my value, my beauty despite a few extra lumps and bumps.
My dream is to help young girls much like my young self realize that now is the time to break free.
to SpEaK up... to SpEaK out... to SpEaK NoW
for great things are on the horizon!

With great pleasure I announce to you that I am joining the incredible organization called
Speak Now!

A few months back I caught a glimpse of a beautiful young 16 year old girl named Ellie...

her passion and desire to empower young women rekindled a flame within me.
She is the founder of this incredible organization striving to give young women a voice.
for in her words,
"Feeling alone and worthless is never an option."

Speak Now - the Interactive Website will go live 9-1-12.  Mark your calender now for it will be something to get excited about! 

Until Then... I urge you to show your support by visiting and 'liking' the Speak Now Facebook page.  Share it with your friends, daughters, coworkers... even your grandma, for each like the page receives, 10 cents is donated to a San Diego girls shelter.

Linking with these Fantastic blogs Here!

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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! :)

    New follower

    Tracy @ Dear Life From a Mom of Boys


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