
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ummm, hello Thursday... where did you come from?

The days are flying by here as we do our best to avoid the heatwaves smothering much of the country.  Figured we could play a bit of the catch up game here. 

Boom had fun with our recent Flat Me visitor these past few weeks.  You  may remember that we are participating in the Flat Me summer exchange organized by the amazing Andie at Crayon Freckles.   Although we did not get to visit some of our local sites with our visitor as I intended, we did get to celebrate Boom's birthday and the 4th of July with her...

Something I never get enough of are photos of myself and the kids together... I'm usually the one snapping the shots... plus I do NOT like the extra poundage that's made it's way to my chin and middle!  My current joke is that I have been managing to 'find' the pounds that Boom has managed to 'lose' lately!  Daddy was so kind as to grab a few good ones as we set up at the local High School to watch the fireworks...

They are growing waaaay too fast!

Meanwhile,  I am rather frantically trying to spruce up the house a bit before we have Boom's big party next weekend to celebrate her Sweet 16 with some friends and family... my color inspirations are a cross between turquoise blues and golden shades with bright white trim.  I just cannot get this wall color right!

It's looking too baby blue when up on the wall for my taste... a color I've concocted myself from gathered up mistints {cheap at the Depot!}  looks like I'll be adding a drop of green and some more gray... maybe some deeper blue.  Gee, wonder what I'll be doing today!

Anyone else like me start painting when the hubby leaves for work and paint right around those pieces of furniture til he gets back home for the heavy lifting?  This way he can't talk me out of starting the project 'cause he doesn't feel like it that week too!

I think I forgot to share that Mr. Awesome left elementary school this June and is headed for the big Jr High!  So proud of this dude... walked away with a Presidential Educational Achievement Award too!

Things are might busy... but we are escaping Saturday for a wee bit of beach fun!  Then it's back to party prep!  See ya soon!


  1. Awe...they grow up so fast don't they!?

    New follower!
    Ramblings of a Southern Belle

  2. that is a really good pic of you and the kids though! i love that shirt! i struggle getting wall colors to look right once they are up on the wall, too....

  3. Hi Flat Stanley! Glad to see that you are having so much fun with Boom! Yum, that cake looks delicious. I see a smiles on everyone near that cake. Thanks for taking Flat Stanley around. Sarah


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