
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tip Toe Thru Tuesday {T4} and Features!

hello lovelies!!  welcome to tip-toe thru tuesday co-hosted by myself and Andie from Crayon Freckles

in case you missed it, last Friday on Crayon Freckles and Tiaras & Bowties we held an amazing Special Needs blog carnival with 7 other bloggers.  Living Life Special  featured bloggers from all over sharing their experiences as parents/teachers of children with special needs or others who are sharing how special needs have affected their life.  you can visit Andie's post, Teaching Children Compassion, here and Kim's post, Beating the Loneliness of Special Needs, here.  Also, Sylvia from Homeschooling Through Triumphs, Trials and Tragedies wrote a post for the carnival and was featured in an in {her} shoes post yesterday. 

here are the toP 2 pOSts from 2 weeks ago plus one of mY faVEs. don't forget to check out Andie's fave over at Crayon Freckles too. if you're featured, grab a fEAtuRed button from my button page!
Duct Tape Soap Dispensers from Want to Get Crafty?
Marble Maze and Bible Lesson from Making Boys Men
{because she might make me actually enjoy camping!}

PoST aNYtHiNG you've created (show me some etsy shops and giveaways!)

Feel free to share several posts

Link back to my page somewhere on your blog

Stay around and check out a few other links. wE aLL LovE fEEdBaCK!

Linking with these Fantastic blogs Here!

Like this post?  Feel free to plus one us on G+.  You can keep up with our craziness on Facebook as well as GFC, Google Plus, and follow our Boards on Pintrest too!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kimberly for the feature!! I am SO honored to that you would choose my "Glamping" post!
    I am excited to share your button on my blog!
    I am glad your Carnival was a success! Woo!
    Have a WONDERFUL week!


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