Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pin It

On Tuesday I was lucky enough to guest post on the blog Brilliant Like Fireflies,  I figured I share here on T&B for those of you who may have missed it!
I am so excited to be swapping today sharing a DIY painted canvas that would make a fantastic gift for Father's Day, Graduation, or anyone wanting to show some school spirit with all of you Brilliant Like Fireflies readers!

Alma Matter Logo Canvas!


I started off by importing an image from the web into my new Cameo.  I completed this vinyl on the third use of my Cameo {seriously- you can do this too} it took me a few tries but Oh the satisfaction!
This was for a Penn State U die hard using the Nittany lion and the family's last name.  I placed the vinyl on my canvas in the spots that I wanted to remain white!

If you do not have a Cameo, you can easily do this by printing a photo of your logo and transferring it to your canvas by hand, then painting it.

{white vinyl on white canvas}

PSU colors are a deep Navy blue, so I began painting the canvas with Navy acrylic paint.  I wanted a more interesting background than a flat color so I randomly slapped on a small amount of black and blended, blended, blended until the colors flowed into each other.


Set aside to dry, and if your like me this is the hardest part!  I am SO very impatient!  I managed to allow it to almost dry before grabbing my crafting set of tweezers...


carefully, pull up the vinyl lettering to expose the white areas where the lettering blocked the paint!

Don't worry, the paint will seep under a bit as the vinyl does not make a great seal onto the fabric of the canvas.  This is were you get your itty bitty thin little liner brush out and touch up the lines.  I filled in the white areas of the canvas with a bright white paint being careful to crisp up those edges as best as I could.  Remember, perfection is not necessary- this is a hand painted treasure, the imperfections make it beautiful!

For more projects like this and sooooo much more, please stop by my castle at Tiaras and Bowties!



Andie Jaye said...

this turned out great! i sooo need to break mine out and mess with it more...

Andie Jaye said...

this turned out great! i sooo need to break mine out and mess with it more...

Anonymous said...

Love it. I just found you through a google search. I just made a 12x12 canvas for a friend and will blog about it next week. Yours looks like a canvas type flag? New follower :)

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