
Friday, June 22, 2012

Never Dull Your Sparkle- Self Esteem!

Children with special needs like my Boom often begin to realize or know that they are 'different' from other children.  It is something they may start to question and 'feel' from a young age or may begin a bit later in life.  Alexis began to sense she was 'different' somehow when she was about 10 {give or take a year}.  Frequent trips to the doctor, specialists, the need for OT, PT, speech therapies, numerous surgeries, the need for special shoes unobtainable from the corner mall, glasses, exclusion to the learning support classroom while 'mainstreamed' in school, countless meds taken on a daily basis are all just a sampling of things that take place in a SN Child's life that may leave them feeling as if they are under contant scrutiny and under the proverbial microscope. 

Even those with intellectual disabilities like Boom can have a strong sense of intuition- she just 'knows and feels' things that she perhaps cannot put into rational words.   Whether a child can express these feelings verbally or not does not mean they are not questioning their own self worth in comparison to others. 

Boom will be 16 in 10 days from today.  I have made it my life's mission to cherish, teach, and support this child in any way I can. I am very aware that many of Booms' same age peers {those without SN} are fighting their own internal battle with self esteem- this is a hard age for girls and boys despite having physical or intellectual disabilities.  At this moment, I watch my good friend's 'average' daughter suffering which breaks my heart; she seems so perfect, beautiful, and normal {for lack of a better word}!

So how do we as parents and educators learn strategies and techniques to battle low self esteem?  It is critical for the well being of all children; especially those who are aware of how their special needs
set them apart to help them cope and view themselves as the wonderful creatures they are.  So how do we do it?  I'll be discussing some of the ways I and others have worked to combat negative self esteem in the coming days.

It has been my purpose for the past 15 years and I have made it my life's mission so that my daughter and those like her...never dull their SPARKLE!

I am creating a new blog,

It is my hope to raise awareness {and in the near future- a 'Sparkle Fund' to benefit charities} for self esteem issues for children and adolescents with and without special needs.  We will discuss issues that effect our young peoples lives both positively and negatively.  A Haven for support for children and parents affected by special needs of all kinds!  I'll need your help... I am Looking for those who would like to share their story with us.  Do you have an idea or suggestion that you would like to share?  Perhaps a crafty way to help build up our kids?  Send them to me @ kimberlysminkey {at} yahoo {dot} com ASAP!  I"ll share them both here and on the other blog!

I will continue to post both here on T&B and on Never Lose Your Sparkle for a while... T&B will get back to it's craftiness very soon for those of you who share my passion for creativity... My hope is to have Never Lose Your Sparkle soley dedicated to enriching the lives of our youth and the parents who cherish them!

Won't you stop by... go ahead and follow Never Lose Your Sparkle!


  1. Hey there! I found you via the hop and I’m your newest adoring follower! Maybe you could follow back? Also I’d just love for you to come check out a giveaway I’m having that ends tomorrow!! Hope to see you there!

    Thanks so much!
    Xo, Emily

  2. I find painting (or any form of creating really) not only a way to relax, but also the perfect means of expression. Since Boom may not be able to verbally express her feelings, has she ever tried painting them? Sometimes color, brush stroke, texture, and overall piece says a lot about what someone is feeling. I allow me SN students time to do this and share it with the class (if they want). It's almost like group therapy. You guys should all sit down and try it as a family! Let me know how it turns out. I messaged you on your main page about wanting to help out in some way. Keep in touch! :-)


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!