
Monday, June 18, 2012

Flat Lolly!

A Whirlwind.
That is my life lately...
matter of fact I can't remember a time when I wasn't saying... 'I need a break'.  So let's try to catch up!

Father's Day was also my husband's birthday, he is officially Over That Hill!  Sorry babe!  He wanted a bike so that he could ride with the children- especially Boom {Ms Alexis} and we were able to find him one on a clearance... good deal for a nice bike.  He was happy and acting like a kid again flying up and down the street last night!

Some wonderful doors have opened for me since my last post about being "The Mom of a special needs Kid" and I feel incredibly blessed to have found a new Mom Friend who's daughter actually has been diagnosed with the genetic mutation Boom will be tested for.  To think I was so afraid of just opening that door!   You can check out my new friend Shelley - who is also a blogger- over at The Confessions of a Sleep Deprived Momma!  We just 'virtually' met over the weekend and I feel like I've known her all my life!

Boom sees the ENT again tomorrow... still having lots of pain following her surgery last month.  She had a CAT last Friday and we will get the results.  We are assuming the infection perhaps had spread to the bone behind the ear or that there is a structural defect we never knew about.  Please say a small prayer for Boom today if you can!  We continue with her 'healthy eating program'- NOT a diet!  I don't think I've really went into great detail yet about that but I will soon.  She has lost 24 pounds which is an incredible feat for someone with her Albright's Syndrome... although lots of work for us!


a little bit of fun too.

The Amazing Andie Jaye over a Crayon Freckles, well she did it again!  Andie sat her little self down and organized a Flat Me project from start to finish!  Alexis and I were honored to be asked to participate!  You may be familiar with Flat Stanley... well same concept, so  we sat last week and got to working on our Flat Me... which Boom lovingly named her "Flat Lolly".

Andie asked that each participating child decorate their own Flat Me as a reflection of themselves and if willing attach a real photo of the child's face to their Me.   Since Boom's photo's been plastered all over this blog and my FB page... we went ahead and make a copy of a recent photo.  Boom cut herself out and pasted it on.  Using some ribbons, markers and glue she decked her Flat Lolly out!



Andie did a fantastic job organizing this whole Flat Me project!  Each Flat Me will travel across America and even out of the country {ours will go to the United Kingdome, How Cool!}  to visit and be photographed with the next child in the circle.  The Host child will then write a bit in the travel journal which accompanies the Me before sending it on it's travel to the next child on the list!

Now, the girl of many nicknames... Boom, Lolly, Lu Lu, monkey, etc. decided to name her Flat Me, Flat Lolly.  When she was younger she could not pronounce Lexi and said Lolly instead... the name stuck.

I'm not sure that Boom fully understood that her Flat Lolly was leaving the house as she worked so hard decorating her.  As I prepared her envelope, she held her close to her heart and feined such sorrow!
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Quite the actress I have here as her sorrow quickly turned to giggles and laughter!
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Flat Lolly should be arriving somewhere in Tennessee any day now, we can't wait to see what trouble she gets into there!

Big Thanks to Andie Jaye from Crayon Freckles for inviting us to participate!

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