
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mailbox with Attitude

Well, my bloggie friends, May has been a real humdinger!  I can't believe it's almost over and I wish I could say I'm sad about it!  I wanted to pop in really quick to share with you another quick mailbox makeover I managed to accomplish the other day.  It's my mailbox with AttiTuDe!


Remember the limey green shade I tortured hubby with back in April?  Well, the color certainly did not grow on me so I decided to take it down a few notches.  I decided to leave the pops of color up to small accents and flowers, like the topsy turvy pots we created.

I'll share more details with you a bit later, but between the wedding flowers and cake, doctor appointments, issues with baseball, field trips, school winding down... it's been so much to deal with.  Mentally {and physically} I'm exhausted and it shows.  I've fallen behind with almost everything.  I'd lose my brain if it weren't attached.

 I needed a break from drama, and the never ending demands for a little while so I locked myself in the house and decided I'd pull my new silhouette out of the box.  Now, I must say, I think I may need to get that rocket scientist degree in order to us this thing fully, but I was able to download a quirky little saying from the online store.  It pretty much summed up how I've been feeling plus that gray mailbox needed a little something.

Now if you know me by now, you know not to take it too seriously.  I love stuff like this because it gives me a giggle...  {even if the neighbors think I'm weird}


I love it!

Wonder what the mail man think?...


  1. I love it! Quirky and cute! I'm so sorry you've had so much to deal with lately! Hang in there! *Hugs*

  2. this is so fun and cute :) you used your silhouette? need to get it in gear with mine. i liked the green, but this is better!

  3. this is so fun and cute :) you used your silhouette? need to get it in gear with mine. i liked the green, but this is better!

  4. Hey there, love the mail box. As for May, I'm right there with you hun! Let's hope for a brighter, happier and less stressful June for all of us!


  5. I love it! (I liked the green too!)

    Hope June is more relaxed for yall!

    I am so glad our baseball is winding down, only two games to go, and my concession stand duty is over!

    xoxo, Paula

  6. I absolutely love it! 'Making something similar for my desk at work!! ;-) Thanks for the great idea. -Marci

  7. Thank you for linking up! I think you have a very smart rule here. Your post has been pinned :)

  8. That is so cute!!! Definitely made me smile. Thanks so much for sharing this too at Thursday's Temptation.

  9. That looks great - super cute too! I have this linked to my mailboxes post as well today!


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