
Thursday, April 5, 2012

We're Bringing Party Back!

Spring Break here at the Sminkey Household which means kids, kids, and more kids {and less time for crafting and blogging about said crafts}!  Also means less time for stalking your blogs {sob} but we'll all get our groove back!  I do have some fun things to share with you coming up this next week or so like another trash to treasure project, a revampped book shelf using a secret material...

and the party is coming back to Tiaras and Bowties!  Starting Tuesday, we will be Co-Hosting a fabuous link party with non other than Crayon Freckles!  Andie is a fabulous mommy who features all kinds of fun kiddy learning activities {if you haven't met her please go check her out!}.  Twice the party means double the fun, double your exposure... be sure to come back Tuesday!

{update 4/6 } You can find my bunny basket featured today over at Power of Paint too!  Thanks Maryann, what an honor!

In other news... I've been featured for my Easter Bunny Bushel Basket over at the Trendy Tree house and Crayon Freckles this week!   So exciting!

I'm so honored that Trendy Treehouse has also made Tiaras and Bowties the Featured Blog of the Week!  Yeah!

Earlier in the week, I shared with you that I was featured on Roadkill Rescue for the faux painted plank topped table I painted from a discarded dumpster bound table.

My pretty little table was found Pinworthy over at Just Us Four Blog this week too!   Thanks for that!

Wishing you all a very Blessed Easter this weekend... I will be back before then but until then,

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I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!