
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tip toe thru Tuesday & Features!

Welcome back to Tip Toe thru Tuesday!  My first week co-hosting with the lovely Andie from Crayon Freckles was a blast... I'm sure this week will be just as exciting!  Thanks to all of you for linking up with us!

I have oh so much to catch up with you on... like why I've been swamped with so much schtuff... and I will share with you really soon.  BUT, today, I just wanna party!

Here are a few of mY faVEs from last week's party in no particular order & don't forget to check out Andie's fave's over at Crayon Freckles.

Paula from Life Simply shared her beautiful "Dream" banner with us.  We all luv banners don't we?  I am especially luvin' this because she used one of my favorite things to create it... PaiNt!  Paula is pretty new to blogging so stop by and show her some comment love, she make the most 'to die for' banners and cards!

 Kali at the Vintage Milk House share her beautifully creative Baby Block Centerpiece.  I'll have to remember this for the next baby shower that comes up around here!

My third pick of the week was from Christy's Cuties with her pretty pillows.  The colors in these darling pillows just speak to me!  So vibrant and full of life!

If you have been featured this week - Grab a Button from my button page!  I'm working on a new one, but til then feel free to grab one of those... it'll get you back here!

Now let's Party People!
 2 blogs - 1 Party - Double the Fun!
here are the guidelines for linker-uppers:

*PoST aNYtHiNG you've created (show me some etsy shops and giveaways!)
*Feel free to share several posts
*Link back to my page somewhere on your blog
*Stay around and check out a few other links. wE aLL LovE fEEdBaCK!

{I'd sure love it if you followed Tiaras and Bowties and our co-host Crayon Freckles...
but it's not mandatory}
Dont' forget to stop back next Tuesday for some Feature Love!
if you're featured, grab a fEAtuRed button from my button page.


  1. Thanks so much for the feature Kimberly!!! I'm grabbing a button for my place!!!! :) & Linking up!!!


  2. Thanks so much for featuring my pillows. :) I still love them so much!

  3. I am so thrilled to be featured! Thank you so much! I am grabbing a button!


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!