
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Seeking Sunday

9 doctor appointments in 3 weeks.  Crazy Busy!

Broke down car.  Darn it!

Dirty house.  Yuck!

Nephew leaving Tuesday for basic training for the US Air Force.  Sadness.

Surgery scheduled for daughter's ear in less than 2 weeks.  Pain.

Genetic testing for a gene mutation.  Answers received?  More questions raised.

Crashed Lap top.  The Horror!

Death of a Friend. 

Laundry piles.  Stinky!

3 little league baseball games in less than 24 hours.  2 games lost {boo}.  1 WiN! {yipee}

Romans 8:28And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

 Life is Amazingly Beautiful!  Really?


Not everything is good.  That's the truth.

Make a choice.  Be MiSeraBle... or choose to Be HaPPy!

Much like baseball, you win some you lose some.  Doors close, but windows open!  The unknown will always be there...

Choose to Be HaPPy... it is a choice ya know.

Realizing that all of these - the good, the bad, the sunshine, the rain, the pain, the laughter, the clean, the dirty - are all working together {somehow} by God's plan for our UltiMaTE well-being.

HE is there... he knows the purpose. 

I am choosing to see the rainbow through the rain. 
Am I perfect with this... heck to the NO... but I'm trying.

What's happening in your life?  Share your joys.  Share your struggles.  Need a prayer or wanna offer a prayer for my Alexis?  Don't be shy!  I'd love to hear from you!


  1. you've been busy.... very very busy. i'm so glad that despite all this, you're keeping your face toward the sun/Son. He'll give you all you need. ((hugs))

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You have been super busy! I love your positive outlook on it! Prayers coming your way!

  4. Hey there Kimberly! Following back from the Stalk. I love your beautiful site and your happy outlook. Also, looking forward to linking up with you this Tuesday :) until then... have a wonderful couple of days.

  5. Wow! Busy busy week! I'm so sorry about your friend. Losing friends is so hard. :(

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you back.


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!