
Monday, February 20, 2012

C'mon join the Fun! Think Free!

Interested in Advertising or Sponsoring?
Why should you Advertise or sponsor on Think Smink?

Because this little blog is growing by leaps and bounds. 
Because I just love meeting you and introducing you to others...
best of all
There are plenty of...

1.  Button Swap with me!  Your button in my sidebar, mine in yours for 1, 2, or 3 months! {free}

2.  Guest Post.  Simply share what you do and who you are with T&B readers.  Tell us about your blog and what makes you shine! {free}

3.  Share a Tute.  A tutorial that is... are you crafty, skilled in DIY, cook, clean, organize, home schooling momma?  Share something family friendly to help us improve our homes and ourselves in some way.  Tute your horn! {free}

4.  Promote your Shop VIA a GiveAway!   Shop promotions are welcome anytime!  Go ahead and give your shop a shout out, brag a bit, it's okay!  Shop promos do require a giveaway of product or shop credit to T&B readers (value of item should be at least $15 and cover shipping cost to winner.  Can be open to U.S only or go ahead and include our International Readers too.)

Low Cost Options!
{Basically Same as Above with the addition of Social Media Shout Outs}

1.  Ad Button Space up to 250x250.  Pricing below includes bi-montly shout outs featuring your blog on Facebook, Twitter,  and Google+ as well as 1 feature article or giveaway of your choosing!

1 month = $10
2 month = $18
3 month = $25

Please notice the discounted Fees for months 2 & 3!  I'm not looking to get rich!

2. Product Reviews  are welcomed.  Simply contact me for more information about reviews and other forms of Ad space!

kimberlysminkey {at} yahoo {dot} com

Current Statistics on Tiaras and Bowties

Average Weekly Traffic -2800 visitors
Monthly Visitors - 11,399 at this time
All Time Visitors- 50,000

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally up for swapping buttons with you girl and if you would love to do a guest post I would love to have you again. Have a great day.


I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!