
Friday, January 13, 2012

Under His Wing Inspirational Bird Silhouette

"He will cover you with His feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge" Psalms 91:4

This verse holds a special heartfelt meaning for me.

There have been many times in my life where I have unknowingly wandered away from the safety of God's nest.  We can become complacent in the happy times and think we can take on the world.  The good thing is that when the world knocks us on our kiester (and it always does), Jesus is there waiting to take you back under his wing.   Everyone needs a safe harbor. 

In the midst of the daily grind,  the impulse to paint this bird hit me.  I had a few already cut from pine from before Christmas time {here} so with a tiny bit of greyish spa blue oops paint, a stencil and some stamps, created "Under His Wing".   

{Click Here} to purchase "Under His Wing" for yourself or for someone you love who needs some gentle inspiration!

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1 comment:

  1. i love this. absolutely gorgeous. birds are my favorite. there's something so spiritual about them for me. well done, my friend.


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