
Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all the most Blessed Christmas ever!

I will be back on the blog next week after spending a few days devoted to my family!
I hope all of your Christmas Wishes come true.

Til then I leave you with a little winter fun...

I love Snow People!
Snow men, snow ladies, snow kids, snow babies.

Some are skinny.

Some are quite plump.

Some are tall.

Some are short.
adorable melted snowmen

There are those who are outgoing and worldly.

And those who are quite shy.
Snowmen- shy little cutie!

I've met a few who are rolly polly.



And some who wear square pants!
Snowmen Photo Holder


Best of all, they are all really sweet & inspiring!

Pinned Image

Just in case you are wondering,  the 25 days of Christmas blogshare will continue over at Parga's Junkyard.  If you'd like to finish the series please head over to {here}

Having issues with our link party this week,  hate to disappoint but I think it will have to wait until after the New Year due to some time constraints!  I will get it back up and running and we will work on making the best darn party we can!

1 comment:

I love to hear what you have to say! I try very hard to respond to each and every comment you leave!